Change of Heart

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A few days after I had told Ingrid about Ethan, Fabian came by the coffee shop. I had bought some furniture and was installing the last of it in the hall so that people could actually sit and enjoy a cup of coffee.

As I set the last chair down, he came in wearing a sheepish expression. I was confused. He had made it pretty clear that he wanted nothing to do with me the last time he came over, so I didn't understand why he was standing in front of me.

"Uh, hi", he said, making me look at him as if he was crazy.

"Hello?", I answered, even though it sounded more like a question.

"I'd really like for us to talk, if you don't mind", he said uncertainly. Seeing him practically decomposed in front of me made me feel good.

"Sure", I acquiesced. I was probably very stupid for doing that but I was very curious in hearing what he had to say.

I led him to one of the tables at the very end of the hall. Both the bookstore and coffee shop were closed for the day so I was not worried about the customers.

We sat in silence for about five minutes before he spoke up.

"I know you probably hate me after what I said the last time I was here and it would completely justified"

"I don't hate you", I interrupted. And it was true, I didn't hate him. I just hated the fact that he chose to be so selfish.

"Oh", Fabian muttered, probably confused. I smiled faintly, making sure he didn't see it.

"But anyways, I thought about all this and I realised that it's not fair to either of us to ignore or reject the mate bond", he said, making me grow instantly suspicious. He came here to reject me just a few days ago, and now he wanted the mate bond all of a sudden again.

"What do you want from me?", I asked finally, after a few seconds of silence.

"Nothing, I just-", he started but I interrupted him.

"You better not feed me some stupid story because all the restrain I've been using on myself is going to go out of the window", I warned.

"Can we talk in earnest?", he asked and I saw that he really wanted to talk to me. So I agreed, deciding to stop interrupting him.

"I thought long and hard about what I told you the last time I was here and I came to a conclusion. The mate bond is something that happens once in a lifetime"

"Apparently not for me", I scoffed under my breath, forgetting I was in the presence of a full born wolf.

"Pardon?", he interrupted himself.

"Nothing.", I replied. I definitely wasn't telling him this early into our... relationship? that I had a mate before him.

"You said apparently not for me", he explained, looking at me inquisitively.

"You probably misheard", I replied, nonchalantly, silently begging him not to pry.

Fabian looked at me for a few moments before continuing with his speech, "As I was saying, the mate bond is a once in a lifetime thing and it'd be stupid of me to throw it all because I don't want a mate right now"

I raised one eyebrow. Was that his attempt at getting me to give him another chance?

"Are you really serious?", I asked. Fabian appeared confused at my words.

"Yes?", he said, though it came out more like a question.

"Is that your version of an apology? You really think I'm going to fall for that?", I asked a bit too harshly. I knew it wasn't his fault that I had been betrayed in the past but I had to be cautious. I had been a fool twice, and I really did not want to be used for a third time.

"Do you even feel the pull?", I asked, bewildered. He was just sitting there as if he couldn't care less, like all he wanted was his mate and it turned out to be me.

"Of course I feel the pull! Do you think it was easy for me to come here and tell you I didn't want you in my life?", he boomed. I looked at him and laughed.

"So it was roses and giggles for me? Getting yet another rejection? Oh I was so happy I couldn't even find the willpower to open my store! So happy I threw a lovely pity party. Sorry I didn't invite you", I replied sarcastically, offended.

Fabian's face fell.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't know what to do and I didn't take you into consideration at that moment. I'm really sorry"

He appeared sincerely apologetic. That was a first. If it was Cory, he'd have used the fact that he was Alpha to shut me up and Ethan would simply have ignored me.

"It's okay-", I started but interrupted myself. "It's not okay. But as you said, we have a unique bond and we have to have to at least try to give this thing a try. The Moon Goddess paired us for a reason", I offered with a tentative smile.

"Thank you", Fabian said, then stretched his hand out. "Hi I'm Fabian. And you are?"

My timid smile became a large one. "Fabian, hmm? That's the name of cocky young men. But I'm Denise, nice to meet you"

He laughed then said teasingly, "I know, it's always a pleasure to meet me."

I laughed and felt as if a weight had been pulled off my shoulders. It was so refreshing to have a real conversation with my mate. I just hoped this relationship turned out to be like the one I had imagined in all my fantasies.


Fabian went out of the coffeeshop relieved. He had been so scared to approach Denise thinking she was going to try and break him into half for what he had said to her few days prior. He just hoped their relationship continued in the same way and they could eventually get to know and who knows, maybe even love each other.


Don't even know if any body is still interested in this story but, hey guys! So I'm really sorry I'm like 3weeks late. School is dealing with me. I have 4 projects I have to do, none of which I'm done with coupled with the daily assignments I have. Writing was really the last thing on my mind these past weeks. I can't promise you the next update will come soon but it will come. Please be patient with me 🙏🙏🙏

The Perfect MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora