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I climbed out of the cool shower that I'd just had back in my room and read a text on my phone.

Ben: I'm sorry about what I said to you earlier. It was wrong and totally inappropriate and unprofessional and I shouldn't have been reading your messages and I'm a dick and feel free to hate me- but not for too long.

I sighed and tossed my phone back onto my bed deciding I wouldn't answer him. I was exhausted from the shoot and despite the fact that everyone was meeting up for drinks at the bar, I was not. I needed sleep, and a night away from Ben and that other pervy photographer. We were leaving early that morning for another location which was half way across the country and the soft bed was calling to me. I climbed in and was just about to close my eyes when a knock on the door interrupted me.

"Room service."

I climbed out the bed feeling irritated by the disturbance. "I didn't order room service." I called out as I walked over to the door and swung it open.

"Are you not Sera Holms from room six?" he asked

"Yes, but I didn't order anything."

"Well, someone did." The guy pushed past me wheeling a massive trolley covered in silver cloches.

I walked over to one and opened it. Immediate salivation. A perfect fluffy looking chocolate mousse stared up at me just waiting to be devoured. I opened the next one, chocolate cake. The next one, some chocolate tart looking thing, and so it went on until I had opened all six and was met with a chocolate feast.

I looked up at the guy, "How much is all this, I mean, I can't pay for it."

He smiled and shook his head, "Compliments of Mr. White."

"Oh. I see." The guy left the room and I tried to bite back a smile, even though no one was there to see it. I couldn't believe all it took to make me (almost) forget what he'd said were a few sugar loaded treats. I was such a child, forgetting the pain of having blood drawn for a lollipop at the end. Oh well, fuck it. Who was I to turn down such an array of chocolaty things?

I grabbed a spoon, plunged it into the mousse and scooped up as much as I could before shoveling it into my face. So not lady like! The dopamine in my brain screamed at me in delight and demanded more immediately. I scooped up a piece of cake next, dunking it into the mousse for the hell of it and because no one was there to see me. The sweetness made my mouth tingle. A beep on my phone stopped me from pouring the mousse onto the tart and adding the cake to it. I looked down at my bed.

Ben: Do you still hate me?

Sera: Moderately

Ben: Come have a drink with me.

Sera: No thanks. I'd rather get an early night.

Ben: : (

Ben:  That was a sad face, in case you didn't get that

Sera: I got it. I have a teenage sister. I'm well versed in the way of emoji

Ben: Really? I didn't know that.

Sera: There are lots of things you don't know about me.

Ben: All the more reason we need to go on a date. ;)

Sera: I don't go on dates with people I moderately hate

Ben: I'll just have to make you not hate me tomorrow then.

Sera: Good night Ben

I put my phone back down and climbed into bed again. This time there was no knocking on the door and I fell asleep easily.

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