Chapter 19: Do Not Touch The Wall

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Sasha doesn't have time to worry about what Francie said - about Daniel falling out of favor with the viewers and being in danger - because behind them, a door bangs open and she hears Taylor's voice.

"TV's on," he barks. "Get in here, you guys."

Then he's gone and Sasha looks up at Francie, who is suddenly agitated. She asks, "What does that mean?"

"It's time for the Elimination Challenge," she says. "I knew it had to happen before bed tonight, but I thought we might have a little more time."

She's wringing her hands distractedly and Sasha helps Daniel to his feet. Her own cheeks are wet but most of the sting from the indirect spray she received has worn off. Daniel, on the other hand, can barely open his eyes and his skin is so red she wonders if any of it could be blood. He leans on her a little bit and wheezes as he asks Francie, "What's an Elimination Challenge like?"

"The Elimination Game hosts will explain it on the television," Francie says. Then she adds with a nervous laugh, "I've seen it so times already, I can say it in my sleep. 'Thirteen must become twelve and it's time for us all to bring balance back to the house.'"

"Well that doesn't make me feel sick to my stomach at all," Daniel says.

"Come on," Francie says, "we can't keep them waiting."

They walk across the back yard, past the incongruous swimming pool with brightly colored inflatables floating across its still surface. Sasha has her arm around Daniel's waist to support him, and Francie leads the way.

Inside, everyone is already sitting on the large, U-shaped couch. They've left a spot in the middle for the three latecomers, and Sasha doesn't like the idea of being trapped in the innermost part of the U. She could always try to leap over the back of the couch if things go sideways, but for now it seems like they don't have much choice.

She takes a quick detour into the kitchen to dampen a towel for Daniel, letting Francie help him over to the living room. When she walks around the end of the couch, Sasha feels a strong sense of deja vu with every eye in the house on her.

Taylor, sitting at one end with his arms crossed over his chest.

The girl who'd been talking about rumors earlier, still frozen in the exact same spot, still hugging her knees and looking terrified.

Daniel waiting in the center of the couch for Sasha to join him, and Francie giving her a sympathetic look for whatever she was about to go through.

And eight more sets of eyes all locked on her, a mix of pity, rivalry, curiosity, and fear.

She sits down and instructs Daniel to put his head on the back of the couch, gently placing the wet towel over his eyes to stop the watering. On the television screen in front of them, there are the words 'The Elimination Game Challenge' overlaid in chunky black text on top of a red guillotine, the blade of which slides slowly up and down, over and over again.

Sasha tries to ignore everyone watching her as she tends to Daniel's eyes, until a guy a few seats over says impatiently, "You have to watch the screen. It won't start until we're all watching."

So Sasha sits back and Daniel holds the towel in his lap, squinting at the screen.

The television immediately switches from the guillotine to a man and a woman perched on stools. They're sitting alone on the set of something that looks like an old-fashioned morning show, a glass bar table between them with a pair of coffee mugs sitting on it.

They're grinning - on the woman, the expression looks animatronic, and the way the man's face is twisted seems unhinged, almost psychopathic. The woman says, "Welcome to week twenty-one in the Elimination Game household. Sasha and Daniel, we, along with the viewing audience, would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you both for so graciously agreeing to join us on America's number one, top-viewed reality show for five months running!"

The woman pauses and the sound of studio applause can be heard in the background. Daniel starts to open his mouth, but Francie quickly drives her elbow into his side, muttering out of the side of her mouth, "They can't hear you, but the viewers can. Arguing won't help."

Sasha slides her hand into Daniel's, squeezing it tight as the applause dies down and the woman continues.

"Tonight is a special night," she says. "This morning, we brought two new contestants into the house. As you all may have noticed, there is exactly twelve of everything in the house, and thirteen of you sitting on the couch. I'm sure you all know what that means."

"Back-to-back eliminations!" the male host shouts, practically sliding out of his stool with excitement.

"That's right," the woman says, more demurely. "We had our regularly scheduled weekly elimination last night, and in just a few minutes, a surprise Elimination Challenge will begin. Thirteen must become twelve and it's time for us all to bring balance back to the house. Rob, do you want to remind our viewing audience - and the newcomers to the Elimination Game house - how the Elimination Challenge works?"

"My pleasure, Meredith," Rob says, grinning goofily with that same dangerous glint in his eyes that Sasha picked up at the beginning of the broadcast. "Contestants will enter the Elimination Room, where they will remain until America votes one of them out of the house. They will have access to a variety of games and resources that will either give them a competitive edge, or turn the tides against them.

"Contestants may choose to play, or choose to sit out, but taking a more active role increases the odds of survival. Viewers from all over the country will be casting their votes for the person they would like to eliminate. They can change their vote as often as they'd like, but the first contestant to receive one million votes will be eliminated."

Rob says this last bit with a booming intonation that vibrates in Sasha's chest and sends terror ripping through her. Then Meredith takes the reigns again, her steady demeanor somehow even more unsettling.

"It's time to find out who America's in love with this week, and who has overstayed their welcome," she says. "Contestants, please go to the Elimination Room now."

The screen cuts back to the guillotine animation, and a door to the right of the television pops open so abruptly that Sasha jumps and clutches Daniel's hand tighter.

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