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My head was pounding.

And by pounding, I mean absolutely, positively throbbing. I groaned, my hands moving up to grab my temples.

I couldn't even open my eyes to try and figure things out, because I could feel the vengeful sun's glare through my eyelids. It was rough. I wasn't a fan, and I certainly didn't feel like attempting to open my eyes to get blinded by the sun.

So instead, I grabbed the pillow next to me and held it over my face, successfully blocking out the sun. But that wasn't going to work forever, because breathing started to become a little difficult with a pillow over my face.

So finally, with a groan, I sat up, and opened my eyes.

And I immediately regretted it.

"Dear goddess," I groaned, closing my eyes again and holding a hand over my face. There was no way I was getting any more sleep now, as the sun had completely woken me up. Fantastic.

Turning so that my legs hung off the bed, I glanced at the nightstand. On it sat my phone, and strangely, a glass of orange juice and a bottle of pills. Those weren't there last night.

I picked up my phone, finding a text waiting for me.

From: Dante (7:04 AM)
Advil and orange juice help. 2 pills should be fine.

I wanted to bang my head against the wall. Stop doing nice things. Stop helping. Stop being so perfect. I wanted to text back, but I refrained from doing so. Instead, I listened to him, opening the bottle and swilling two pills, and then drinking some of the juice.

My phone currently said it was a little after nine, so Dante had brought these not too long ago. I took another sip of the drink, and another, until I had finally finished it.

I found myself going to the bathroom and showering before putting on some clothes and drying my hair. My back was still the same, my head was still pounding, although less now, and I was still bored.

I was pretty sure I was going to die of boredom in here. Or that witch would get me. Either way, things weren't looking good.

Which is why, I guess, I was slightly grateful for Sapphire for barging into my room after I had done everything to try and wake myself up.

"I heard you had a hangover, and nothing cures that better than a little good old fashioned girl time!" She announced, jumping on the edge of my bed. I stiffened in the middle of the bed, surprised at her attitude. She didn't seem as cheery yesterday, but that might be Finn's fault.

Her icy blue eyes were staring straight at me, and I raised a weak eyebrow.

"My head hurts." I finally replied, not knowing what else to say. I didn't necessarily want to be around people right now, especially not another royal. It was a lot, and I don't think they realized that. Not only were these people actual celebrities, but they were a constant reminder that I, for some unexplainable reason, am supposed to be queen because I am mated to Dante. And I liked to forget that fact.

She rolled her eyes, and they landed on the bottle of pills on my nightstand. "If you already took some, take two more and you'll be fine in half an hour. Come on, you're a breath of fresh air in this male overrun palace. I need some girl time." She pleaded, bringing her hands together.

I looked over my options. On one hand, I could snub Sapphire to sit in my room all day, but I wouldn't feel as awkward and on edge as I do with people. But on the other hand, I could do whatever she wanted us to, maybe enjoy myself, and perhaps even connect with someone other than the characters in my books. Yet that was a terror all in itself; I'd have to socialize and probably talk more than I'm comfortable with.

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