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Chapter 03

- Ace King -

Mom knew something must've been wrong, but before she could ask why I stormed off to my room.

If it was any other family, I wouldn't be half as mad as I was now. I wanted to punch that fucker in the face, but even if I did, the only thing I'd get was a lecture from my mother and I really don't want.

Jacob would still stay here either way. My mom would just apologize for my behaviour.

I needed to clear my mind, and I know just where to go.

Grabbing my leather jacking and quickly pulling it on, I climbed out of my window so I didn't have to see my mother of those people. Sneaking out of my window was the quickest way out, without getting seen.

I've done it plenty of times in the past when I wanted to go out after my parent's grounded me. Father knew about it and sealed my window shut, but I managed to undo the seal after a few weeks.

Taking one last jump, I landed on the ground with ease.

Luckily, Mia's house wasn't far from mine, so I could easily walk there. When I would sneak out of the house, I went to Mia's house because she was the only one I wanted to see if there was a problem or if I just needed to be with someone.

She found it weird at first, but I would always make sure I told her beforehand so I didn't scare her. Especially when it was dark out.

I did it so often that sneaking out and going to her house became a habit. One I'll never stop.

I already texted her that I was coming over, so I assumed that her balcony door is unlocked. When I saw her house in the distance, I ran and jumped over the fence before climbing the large tree that made it possible for me to get on her balcony.

Even though she knew I was coming, I still knocked softly on the french doors and waited for her to move the curtains that blocked the view of inside her room.

In a matter of seconds, Mia moved the curtains and smiled when she saw me. She opened the door to let me in, and once I was inside, she locked it.

"Did you have another fight with your parents?" Mia asked as I threw my jacket across the floor.

The reasons why I got grounded was because I got myself into some deep shit during school, or was when I talked back to my father. I always fought with him, but at times we didn't.

Those were rare times, however.

"Something like that," I answered, laying on her bed with my eyes closed.

"Are you going to tell me?" she questioned, and I shrugged. I didn't want to talk about it.

All I wanted was to be with Mia and not think about any problems that were happening in my life. I smiled as she laid down beside me and ran her hand through my hair.

Her touch would always make me relax. Even a single smile from her could calm me down in an instant. Mia would always have an affect on me, and I'm glad to know that I affect her as well. She may not realize it, but I do.

When I remained silent, Mia sighed and got up. Frowning at the loss of her touch, I stood up from the bed, and before she could open the door to leave, I grabbed her wrist to pull her back. I wrapped my arms around her, making sure that her arms were secured to her side so she couldn't push me away.

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