Chapter 3

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"You called, Minerva?" Harry asked as he walked into the Headmistress's office. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Draco sitting across from her, but he composed himself quickly enough that he was fairly certain no one would notice.

"Malfoy," he said with a quick nod in the Slytherin's direction.

"Potter," he responded likewise.

"Harry, I was just trying to make living arrangements with Mr. Malfoy and wondered if I might ask you a favor?" she asked demurely.

Harry groaned silently. Whenever she asked if she could ask Harry for something, it tended not to bode well. "Yes, of course, Minerva, ask away."

"Well, I was wondering if Draco could stay with you," she said frankly.

Harry shook his head as if to clear his ears. "Pardon?"

"Draco doesn't like the idea of sleeping in the dank dungeon quarters, and I can't blame him, so I was wondering if you could put him up," she added.

"Why don't you just create the same passage for the Manor that you do with me?" Harry asked.

"Well, for one it's too far, and for another Narcissa is adamantly against us tampering with the Manor wards," she replied briskly.

"And you're okay with this?" he asked, turning to face Draco directly.

He only shrugged lightly. "It would only be temporary until I finish having a place of my own built," he said. "I have no interest in staying at whatever hovel you probably call home for an extended period of time," Draco added testily.

Harry rolled his eyes. "You really want me to have to put up with that, not only here, but at home as well?" he growled at McGonagall.

She smiled sweetly and shook her head. "I'm sure Draco would stay out of your way, Harry."

"I would," he promised with a sneer.

"Fine," Harry said before storming out of the office. It was too much for Minerva to ask of him, but he would do it. It was only temporary and surely he could put up with Draco for a short time. Plus it would be nice for Andromeda and Teddy to get to see their family.

He flew swiftly down the stairs and down the corridor leading away from her office as he stewed. A panting breath came up behind him and a pale hand clamped down on his shoulder. Harry shuddered at the touch and moved away, glaring at Malfoy. "What?"

"I suppose you just want me to wander all over Hogsmeade looking for your house?" Draco scoffed.

The idea of Draco knocking on every door until he got to Harry's made him grin widely. "It would be very entertaining, yes," he answered and began to walk away.

Draco groaned behind him and strode quickly to catch up. "Could you just show me where it is and then I'll be out of your hair for the rest of the day?"

Harry rubbed his hand lazily across his stubbly chin and pretended to ponder the request. "Make it a year and you're on," he said.

Draco rolled his eyes. "I can't very well promise not to see you again for an entire year. I'm working and living with you," he stated snidely.

A shudder ran down his spine again at Draco's words. He was about to be living with Draco, another gay man, whom part of him was attracted to. Not the logical part, but the part that hadn't had sex in a while.

"Come on then," he said at last, and quite grudgingly. Sleeping in a room across from Malfoy was not going to be easy if he didn't quiet his mind.


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