chapter thirty two - the problem and a clue

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"Yes, Lady Fiske?"

"Is that your real name?"

"No," He scratches his head, "It's kind of complicated.."

"What is this complication?"

"I'm from a different world, and I'm trying to find a friend. I hope she's here. But then, I found En. Er.."

I raised an eyebrow, "What is her name?"

"Her name......Er.....Mida....Rose?"

I internally gasp. That's me! That cannot be it, he, Eqno, my past classmate now in the same position as me?! H-he died?!

Then I asked, "How did you come to this world?"

"I sorta died, I was in a plane with my family, luckily, before I died they survived." Oh man. What should I say, I thought I was alone, and could start myself off again.

"Plane?" En asked, curiously.

"It's a type of my last world." But, here he is! Not pretending to be someone else, and still being his own self. I sighed, unless he doesn't notice that I am like Mida Rose, I am fine.

For a few seconds, I was shocked, What should I do??

Ha! Revenge!

Oh Victoria, you are very cruel.

But, this was for revenge...

Oi, Lady Victoria, that idea was terrible. You cruel minded idiot!

What do you mean.... ;-;

I'm sorry, I meant to say of how beautiful you are.

Yes, yes, I am indeed.

Victoria? What's with this bribing game of compliments for exchange for help?

Oh, no. It's nothing.

Lady Victoria always wants to be complimented so I must compliment her for her help or not...

She talks about herself...

No. She talkes about other things that are considered childish to me..

No, she talks selfishly!

Why are you treating me with insults? ;-;

Oh, I am sorry Lady Victoria, I was just kidding..

Kidding? ;-;


....No she was not!

I was. ⊂((・x・))⊃

No you did not!

I swear! Lady Victoria-

Thank you very much Lilly- I mean Mida Rose- I mean Rose, I am proud... \\\٩(๑'^'๑)۶////

Well, thank you, I must ignore you guys now! See ya...


Wait what? We're still on her mind anyway, she would hear us.

I was just going to say that she must go to Elsewhere..


See, I told you Lady Lame-o.

I'm am not lame! Lame you are lamest of the lame!

Nooo! I just got insulted by the most powerful goddess yet! ( ̄3 ̄)

Haha, very funny, now go, I'm tired of you arguing in my ears, and through my blood cells, and into my fragile brain! It's like an earthquake in my head, so stop. (T ^ T)

I'm was Victori-

No it wasn't, it was her faul-

No, it was hers!

No, it was hers!

SHUT UP! I'm so tired, I even have those dark half moons below my eyes!

I'm sorry.. // I'm sorry..

So for Elsewhere, that Ramona, she's in Elswehere.

Elsewhere? Elsewhere? Like somewhere else?

Child, it's the name Elsewhere, as in a name, you know, name, name of a book.

How is someone in a book?

Cursed she is, my child. So she stuck in a book in Eclipsia. Whoever finds her becomes her master.

No way,

No way? No way, child?! It's more like YES WAY!

Yes way! I must be ignoring you two, so behave.

Yes maam.. // Yes maam.. ٩( 'ω' )و


reincarnated into a sadist's body ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat