Mother-in-law (24)

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"Mom, first my mother -always my friend- forever together, our love: {never ends}"


{there will be some vulgar words in it and scenes that are completely wrong in real life, but this is pure fiction so don't use this as an example.}

"So you're the fucking hooker!"

My head immediately turns around, scanning the room when my eyes finally rest on a tall, elegant body.

A gasp escapes my lips. She was beyond gorgeous. The woman who was pacing up to me had short brown hair in a bob style. She had piercing blue eyes and a cherry red lipstick color on her lips. Everything she wore was brand name, adding a final touch on her beauty.

I blink twice, seeing her taking a halt precisely one arm away from me. I could see her face clearly. She must be something in the end forty.

She had a stern scowl on her face, glaring right in my eyes.

My head starts to ring with her words, tossing them back and forth in my head.

She just called me a hooker?

My head immediately looks around the big, spacious room. We're the only one here so it was addressed to me?

"E-excuse me?", I stammer our, completely bewildered.

    "You're the fucking whore!", she hisses out, standing straight up in a noble form.

My eyes snapped open, gazing at her with a blank face. I probably looked like dead fish.

    "I'm not a..."

I didn't want to say that vulgar word. It was out of my dictionary. Please, Jesus forgive me.

"Well, I'm not a walking... making love... machine. You must have the wrong person", I snicker awkwardly, shifting under her burning glare.

    "I don't have the wrong person! For what other reasons would my son keep you other than to be his sex slave!", the woman snaps furiously at me.

Her glare began to burn like fire. She looked at me as if I was the most disgusting filth on earth.

Son? She must be Mason's mother. They did not have a lot in common perhaps maybe the hair color... and definitely the scowl. It was Mason's infamous signature face.

"I'm his assistant, ma'am", I stated calmly.

"An assistant who lives in the same house? An assistant who sleeps with him? An assistant who kisses him?", she roars louder, making me wince quietly. "I saw all the pictures all over the news!"

My jaw dropped to my knees. She wasn't actually wrong.

    "I've never slept with him", I reply softly.

The woman looked at me as if I was lying, taking her phone out of her purse. She search something up, shoving the phone in my face.

I'm caught of guard, backing away a bit. I finally look at what she's trying to show me.

It was the picture on Mason's Instagram where I was sleeping on his bare chest.

I glanced up, perceiving the impatient glare of the woman.

"We've never sle... I mean sometimes we would watch a movie and we would fall asleep in the same bed, but we've never...", I began to blush madly. "We've never had sex."

"I don't believe you!", she yells in my face.

"But it's the truth!", I wince back.

"Why else would he let you stay in this mansion? He never let anyone stays here."

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