Chapter 19

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It's five minutes till six when Creighton and I arrive at the door of room 26, and as if my day hasn't been crazy enough so far, I realize that I left without my keycard this morning.

Swearing under my breath, I pound relentlessly on the door, hoping Derek's actually here and that he hasn't left for the cafeteria yet. Dinner's in five minutes, and with my luck he's already gone.

I'm relieved to hear his irritated response from the other side of the door.

"Go away, will you?"

"Derek," I order, still abusing the door, "let me in. I'd do it myself, but I don't have the card with me."

"Tim?" my roommate wonders, his voice coming considerably nearer.

The door opens a moment later, and Derek glares at me, still looking pretty aggravated.

"Where have you been?" he snaps, "I came back and I couldn't find you ... and you wouldn't answer your phone."

"I wanted to talk in person."

"So you decided to ignore me in the meantime?"

"That's not-"

Derek frowns.

"Explain it to me then," he says, "if that's not it, why couldn't you explain that to me when I called, instead of ignoring me all day?"

"I told him he should have answered you." Creighton tells Derek, following me into the suite.

Derek's gaze snaps to her, surprise registering in his expression as he watches Creighton close the door.

"C?" he wonders, "What are you doing here? Today's been hard enough without-"

Creighton cuts him off, moving to take up a position in his desk chair.

"I'm not going to argue with you." she interrupts him.

Derek runs a hand through his hair, frowning.

"Then what do you want?" he demands.

I take a seat in the remaining swiveling chair, watching as Derek begins to pace the length of the room.

"I want you to sit down," Creighton tells him reasonably, "and I want you to listen."

Derek sits on his bed with a sigh, one hand still running obsessively through his sand-colored locks.

"What is it?" he demands, studying her expression.

"What happened to Amber," she conveys, "it wasn't your fault. You told me after it happened that I should know who you are by now. You're not a murderer, Derek. The person who forced you to do it is the murderer. I know that, and so should you."

Derek gapes at her.

"Are you serious?" he wonders, still staring, "You're just saying that, aren't you?"

Creighton meets his gaze.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

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