part 2: A New Friend?

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I lay there in the dirt, exhausted. Knuckles bruised and bleeding,  it hurts, but I deserve all the pain I receive. It's my fault that the Dradon still walk the earth, I was so close to striking down the leader, and I failed....

"I can't leave you alone for 3 hours, can I? *sigh* what would you do without me.."
He says as he kneels down beside me, and wraps my hands in bandages.
"Thanks jack, I owe you big time..." I sit up and hug him tightly

Wow....I didn't even hear him walk over to me, hell, I didn't even hear him open the gate doors

"Hey, are you listening to be Ann? Stop zoning out!" Jack chuckles and flicks my forehead
"Huh?! I was listening!...sort could you repeat it, please?"

Jack shakes his head in disappointment
"Someone is going to be coming today, as you know...Marc isn't as young as he once was, so someone needs to eventually take his place, in watching over you. Of course I could do a better job then anyone...but whatever, it's not up to me.. anyways! I want you on your best behavior,  now go get cleaned up"

Noding my head, I get up and head to my room to change. It's not fair, no one can replace Marc, they are wasting their time and mine...I don't care who they are, all I've got to do is not listed to them, and they will be fired...RightOH!  Maybe I can act all scary, and glare at the guard, like how jack does to me when I break a window! That would definitely Work!

"....and this is the last place in the castle to show you. Annabeth's room, don't bother trying to go in, she doesn't let anyone but Jack in there."

I know that voice..that's Marc! I quickly get changed and run out of the room..wait, where the hell did he Go?  Oh...I bet this is a game of Tag
I turn the corner and immediately see him walking, with his back turned to me. Wow Marc, you've  gotten terrible at this game!

"Tag! Your It!" I shout proudly as I jump onto his back, laughing as we tumble to the floor.

"AH! Jesus Christ!- must be Annabeth, nice to meet you M'lady, I'm Mathew, I'm going to be working here from now on"
I stare at the stranger dumbfounded, I could have sworn this was Marc..I mean..he sorta looks like him, but im staring at the stranger, im brought out of my thought when someone behind me laugh's.

"Annabeth, that's not how you welcome guests" Marc states, trying his hardest not to laugh..wait...if that's Marc..then who's this?!...wait...he said his name was Mathew...that means..

"Your Marc's Son! " I Suddenly blurt out
"Um...yeah.. Nice to meet you Too? " He says as he flashes an amused grin
My face goes red and in embarrassment ...stranger danger..

"Hey, you alright? seem a bit red, do you need some water?" Said 'Mathew'

I panic and jump up from the ground, and run like hell till I'm out of sight
"Hahaha! I have never seen her act like that, I guess you scared her"
"Shit, really?... she seemed fine" Mathew states confused.
What got into me?....I'm not afraid of some human!....well...maybe I am...but it's not my fault I never meet new people..Goddammit! How am I going to scare him off, if I'm scared of Him?

"Hey Ann, wanna go spar with Me? It'll be Fun! "
"O-oh!, yeah..sure Jack, let's go." Taking his hand, I quickly drag him outside, and get into a ready stance.
I can't caught me off guard, finding out Marc's replacement is his own son...doesn't matter! Related or not, no other human can replace Him!
Just then I'm knocked from my feet. oh..right, I forgot. I'm practicing with Jack.

"What's gotten into Annabeth? Pay attention, or you'll be the one cooking dinner tonight!" Teased the demonic boy
With a smirk I say "No way in hell that'll Happen!" And Dodge Jack's incoming punch
"Ohh~ so now your cracking jokes, Hm? Because 'Demons are from hell' that's just Cold Ann, never thought you'd go as far as teasing me back"

"I guess you don't know me like you thought-" just then, I notice Mathew leaning on the castle walls, not far from us. Arms crossed, watching us fight. My full focus goes to him, and so I don't notice Jack swinging his fist directly at me. I have no time to dodge, before I realize it, I'm on the ground with a bloody lip.

What just happened...? I never lose to him

"I-Im so sorry Ann! I didn't think I would even hit you, so I didn't hold back!" Jack is panicking, I can hear the worry in his voice...he hates it when I get hurt

"Why the fuck would you hit a Girl?! Are you crazy!" Mathew storms over to us, and pushes jack back, standing in front of me.
Just who does this guy think he is, pushing jack like That?

"I-I didn't mean too, I would never hurt her intentionally!" Jack pleaded..
"Well it doesn't look that way buddie!...are you alright? " Mathew turns to speak to me, but I'm not there. "Where did she-" He turns his attention back to Jack, only now, I'm there too, hiding behind jack, clinging to his arm..

" alright Annabeth? " Mathew questions, after all, his job is now to ensure my safety
"She's fine, you scared her with all your yelling." Jack snaps, glaring back at him...
"I'm sorry, I didn't intend on-" Mathew started
"Save it, you've done enough "
And with that, Jack and I head inside...

Why am I being such a nervous wimp?  I could have easily taken him down for doing that to Jack....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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