Cuarenta y nueve

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"I should put it on a safe" I muttered as I gaze at the key chain given to me by Aoi, it's a gold plated key chain with a chibi lion ornamented with real crystals. I can't find in myself to use such an extravagant keychain!

"What's that?" Alexie look at the key chain on my hand "whoa!!!! Is that the limited edition Leotopia key chain that is worth two hundred thousand? The key chain that has only ten in production and was issued yesterday" I look at Alexie with my mouth agape, surprised that he had such knowledge regarding this key chain.

"Alexie you're drooling" Hugh said

"am not!"

"okay kids" I put the keychain inside my jewelry box and I went to grab my Ki "stop that already, let's go training"

"and where do you think you're going Catherine?" i saw mother standing on the door smiling at me, on her left hand is an opaque bottle while on her right hand are two wine glass.

"ummm....mother I have to do some training"

"perfect! Because you are undergoing the training with me today just as I told you"

"b-but i.....i'm still a minor"

"my dear daughter a good lady must have a good control of herself even when she's drunk so as not humiliate herself" I swallowed, mother had pulled the lady card, something that I haven't got to heard since I entered middle school. hearing it coming from her mouth must only mean one thing. Obey or suffer the consequence of disobeying orders. "those two times that Ryuuji had graciously sent you home while you're under the influence of alcohol is....." mother sighed while shaking her head as she look at me with disappointing expressions "Catherine, the women of the Moscava do not humiliate themselves when drunk! They are not blabber mouth and they don't call people as pigs!" I winced at the force behind mother's words "but the most important thing is that you must not let yourself be that vulnerable when you're drunk!" this time despite mother's harsh and forceful tone a tinged of worry could be clearly heard from it.

"i....i understand mother"

"good, since you're still fifteen we'll start with wines, I don't expect you to be able to beat any drunk out in the street what I want from you is to be able to at least stay sober after drinking four wine glasses" I nodded in understanding as I follow mother to the bar with Hugh and Alexie trailing behind us.

"morning" Kana greeted weakly after I entered our room, she had dark circles under her eyes and her complexion doesn't look good. Don't tell me she still can't get over the Halloween incident? It's already almost a month!

"what happened to you?" I ask in concern "you look like a ghost!"

"review" she said sluggishly as she hunch on her desk "I was too busy preparing the audit and year-end financial report that I forgot our finals" i pat her on her shoulder as a sign of my sympathy, I understand what she was going from since I too was busy with my council report but unlike with Kana I had given order to Mason to remind every five hours to face my studies.

"did you not tell your sister to remind you of this things?"

"I did but unfortunately I was too focus with the spreadsheet that her reminders did not register in my brain. Argh!!!!!! If only all subjects are related to mathematics!!!!" I immediately thanked the gods of education or whoever he is that there are varying subjects that doesn't necessarily involve mathematics because unlike Kana who is a genius with numbers I join the majority of the people out there who thinks math is a mental abuse to humans!

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now