Chapter 46

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We were sitting facing each other on the floor of my garage. His body was sat in the middle of my legs, as they were propped up against his sides. One of his hand was holding on to my ankle, while the other was holding the rest of his body up. His legs were sprawled out for me to sit in between.

A smile had crept onto Landon's face. My lips tugged upwards as I uncontrollably smile at his attractiveness.

He removed his hand from my ankle and started fiddling with his gold necklace, grabbing the cross and tugging it in a semi-circle. I watched him as my hands were casually resting in front of me. It had been about five minutes since we were in this position.

"Thank you," Landon whispers.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, tilting my head to the side as he reads my emotions effortlessly.

He releases a chuckle and returns his hold on my ankle, "For just being you," he mutters.

My face flushed red from his kind words. I couldn't think of anything to say, instead I sat there and smiled shyly like an idiot.

"You really inspired me," he continued, rubbing my ankle up and down, "You're strong, bold, and independent. You could face any obstacles without any help."

He was quiet for a second, "And you have a big heart."

My heart suddenly fluttered in response. My smile soon disappeared, however it didn't hide how happy I was feeling to be able to spend this moment with him. We looked at each other passionately, eyes as if they were dancing with each other.

His hand was removed from my ankle again, inching towards my hands. He started fiddling with my right hand, rubbing his finger up and down the side of my colorful index finger.

I kept my eyes locked on him as he removes his eye contact, staring down at my hands. It was quiet for a quick minute, before he lifts his head up again.

"Never in my life, have I ever thought that I would've fallen in love with such a strong woman," he trailed off, observing my emotions. I watched as his eyes drifted from my eyes to my nose, nose to my lips; then quickly back up to my eyes. It was silent against between us, but the silence was something we both cherished and didn't find any tension in.

Then it hit me.

Fallen in love?

As if he read my mind, he interrupted my thoughts with an answer, "Yes, I love you," he says, almost whispering. All we could hear after that is the soft wind hitting against the leaves right above my garage.

My heart fluttered in so many different ways that I didn't know was possibly. My back felt like it was heating up in excitement, the back of my neck was tickling itself as my stomach felt like it was getting feathered by butterfly wings. Needless to say, I was nervous and happy.

"So?" he chuckles, noticing how incredibly quiet I was being.

It didn't occur to me that I haven't said one word until now, "So," I trailed off awkwardly, tapping my finger against the floor between us.

"Will you?" he smiles.

"Will I what?" I answered almost innocently.

Just then, I realized that he was going to ask.

"Be my girlfriend?" he finished the question, leaning towards me. My eyes slightly widened. I knew it was coming but it still caught me by surprise. It didn't feel real. My eyebrows lifted up in surprise, my body leaning back a bit from the closeness between us and I was just left speechless.

My mind is such a blur.

"I," I stuttered, many times. My hands were now supporting me from behind, unable to hide the fact that I was extremely shaking out of anxiety. My body started heating up, and I started to blink many times uncontrollably.

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