All the Kings Men

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Two fucking weeks since the chancellor was shot, and everything has gone to hell. My little mate keeps slipping through my grip, and the Eastern kingdom has begun to form a rebellion.

"Alpha, what should we do about sectors 3,4,5,6?" Brennus asks, as he points to the map laid out on the table.

Ignoring him, I glare at the little map in front of me. I have searched everywhere for the past two weeks, yet I still don't have my mate. I chased her south east and then all hell broke loose in the Eastern capital, Orian.

It felt like she was so close, the forest was cloaked in her scent. It was almost laughing it me, dancing on the trees smirking at me. Knowing it was just out of my grasp.

My thoughts are cut off by the door slamming shut, and Jaxon's excited voice booming throughout the room.

"Alpha, I found the guards scent, we picked it up again along with your mates close to the southern border. I sent four of our best trackers." His bright blue eyes shine with excitement as he tells me this.

My wolf is stirring inside of me, excited at the prospect of locating his mate. I push him back as I need to be in control right now.

"Why the fuck are you not tracking him?" My anger seeps into my tone as I slam my fist in the table.

The room goes quiet, and the tension in the room becomes stifling. Blake gets up and starts walking towards me, but I shake my head at him.

I'm fine Blake, just give me a second

He gives a slight nod of his head, and comes up beside Brennus.

I cast my eyes to Jaxon, and nod at him; giving him the permission he was waiting for to speak.

"We came back due to the unrest in the sectors. A few of my trackers picked up the guard's scent in the sectors while we were gone. They found the guards home, and your Mates home alpha. They found the Lunas name, Alpha." Jaxon's voice wavered a little as he spoke, knowing how those words would affect his alpha had him conflicted with emotions.

"What sector" I rush out as I push myself towards the table with the map. I point to the flags marking each sector inside the capitol.

"Which fucking sector is she from!" my voice thunders across the room bringing my men to their knees as the need to submit runs through them.

"Sector 3"

I look at the map and see that is where the biggest rebellion is occurring. They have formed a barrier around their sector, and have killed 3 wolves trying to get past it.

Brennus sees where I'm looking and speaks up.

"We can storm the sector, We need to bring back order to the capital. If we do the rest of the East will follow. " Brennus says while chewing on his lip, deep in thought.

I slam my fist down on the map, causing the entire table to shake.

"I am done being nice, its time the humans realized they are a part of MY fucking kingdom!" My voice thunders around the room. The power radiating from me has the entire room bowing their heads in submission.

"We are going to going to sector 3, and 4 tonight. I want all services restored to the sectors that are agreeing to the truce. As for Sectors 5, and 6. Prepare the warriors. We are taking those by force."

The room fills with shouts of agreement and growls of approval. I know my men have been on edge as many feel their mates nearby. The humans have been hiding females in these 4 sectors making it hard for my men to focus.

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