Chapter 1

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"Ashton, wake up honey!"

I slowly opened my eyes, looking around. It's been a week since we moved into the new house, and I still haven't gotten used to the paint on my bedroom walls. Bubblegum pink, with baby blue trim. I sigh, and slowly get out of bed.

I walk over to my closet and pull out some under wear, jeans, and a jersey shirt. As I change out of my pajamas, and into my clean clothes I hear my mom walking towards my room.

My parents recently got divorced, seeing as my dad was sleeping with my principal of my old high school.

My principal was a tall muscular man in his mid forties. You can imagine how my mother felt, when she walked into the kitchen, me following suit and finding my dad standing stark naked with a man naked as well on his knees in front of him.

I hate remembering it, but I still love my dad but I'm not ready to forgive him yet. My mom decided it was time for a change for both of us. So we moved across the state, and today is my first day of my senior year.

"Honey, it's time to go or your going to be late.." my mother says as she slowly opens my door. Some say I'm a spitting image of my mother, we are both the same height, but where my mother is on the heavier curvy side I'm on the thick curvy side. Thanks to my constant squats and push ups I'm the perfect size my mom always tells me.

"I'm almost ready just let me brush my hair and teeth.." I say as I pass her and walk into the bathroom.

I look at my self in the bathroom mirror. I have soft round eyes and raven black hair my nose isn't small but it's not big either. My mouth is full with naturally Rosie lips. At my old school I always had guys asking me out but they never really did it for me. I stayed to my self, even though popularity followed me. I prefer no attention, but the people at my old school didn't understand that.

After I get done in the bathroom, I find my mom waiting for me at the front door.

She gives me a small smile as we both walk out the door.

"So are you excited for your new job mom?"  I say trying to get her talking.

She sighs, sliding into the driver seat of the car.

"Ashton, I'm gonna be your principal, you know I'm nervous especially with how many times you got into fights at your old school. How am I supposed to just send my daughter home for fighting. I know you said you wouldn't fight any more but that's just words.." she trails off at the end. Before my mom caught my dad cheating, she had always had to send my dad to pick me up from school for fighting. Everyone always thought I was stealing their boyfriends and would threaten me, so one day I got fed up and eventually became the "Bad Girl" of the school. And that's when I became popular, I would fight anyone who threatened me. And I always won.

I decided to ignore my mom for the rest of the ride. I looked in the side mirror out the window and noticed a blacked out Escalade following behind us.

Damn that's a nice car

"Watch your language Ashton!" My mom squeaks. I ignore her as we pull into the parking lot. The black Escalade slows down, and pulls into to the parking lot also. My mom slams on her breaks slamming me forward.

"Are you ok honey?!" She squeals, I look up to find two tall blondes getting out of a car that just whipped into the principal parking spot. They both look at my mom, and laugh. I unfastened my seat belt anger boiling inside me. Before my mom can react I am already outside of the vehicle. The blondes look down their noses at me, which is hard considering I am six foot even.

"Aww, did we take your spot sweet heart?" One of the blondes chirp. I clench my fists and walk up to the one that was driving. I grab her purse as she screeches, and pull her keys out. I walk to the driver side of her car getting in, and put it in reverse. All while the two blonde bimbos are watching with shocked expressions. I pull all the way out of the spot, and honk signaling for my mom to pull in then I drive all the way to the end of the lot almost to the road.

I park the champagne colored prius, hopping out and locking it to be nice and skipping back to the two bimbos. I drop the keys back in the girls hand, and walk straight into the school with out a second glance. As soon as I get through the doors all eyes are on me and I hear my name over the intercom. I scowl and trudge my way to the office.

"Ashton Olivia Niko! What was that exactly?!" My mom screeches. She is standing behind her desk with her arms crossed. I clench my jaw and let my hair fall in my face.

"They stole your assigned spot mom.." I sigh.

"Ashton, honey, please don't make this hard on me.. get to class we will talk about this when we get home." She pinches the bridge of her nose and turns away from me. I turn, grabbing my backpack off her desk where she left it for me, the studded leather bag sagging from the weight of the contents.

I walk through the door, and walk straight to my class ignoring all the stares. I push open the door and walk to the back of the class and find an open seat, I look up at the front of the room the teacher is sitting at his desk waiting for the bell to ring with his feet propped on his desk. He looks like he could be the same age as me, his hair is a golden brown, and his jaw is sharp enough to give you a paper cut. When I look up to his eyes I realize he is staring back at me with a smirk on his perfect face.

My face turns crimson just as the bell rings.

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