Dark secrets

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"I'll be honest with you finding out that you were pregnant was probably the best news I've heard in a long time and it really pulled me out of the hard spot I was in .I can't express how happy I am to see you finally happy ,your more than a cousin and more then a sister we've been through so much and I can always rely on you and vise versa ,What I'm really trying to say is I'm so proud of you and so proud to call you my blood "He finished with tears pricking his eyes ,we heard sniffles and turned to see my grandma crying and I wasn't to far behind

"I love you little rose "He said using an old nickname ,I took his and grandma hands and lead them inside,my family might be small and broken but I'm very grateful for these two and my new family

Rosie's POV

"Love are you feeling better ?"Jason asked as I leaned into his warm arms that were wrapped tightly around my prodding stomach

"Yes"I laughed turning around in his arms

"I hate seeing you so upset "He cooed taking one hand from my waist and gently stroking my cheek

"Trust me I hate it just as much as you "I said rolling my eyes

"It-"He started to say something but was interrupted by too loud little girls

"ROSYYYY"They yelled barreling towards us

"Yessssss"I yelled back while crouching down

"Can we walk on the trail?"Ally asked ,my eyes trailed to her hand which was in a tight grip by Jessica

"Actually that's our first activity "I said with a smile to match there's

"Come on lets go tell Amy "Jessica said dragging Ally with her

"There so cute "I cooed as I got up from my crouched position

"Yes very "Jason said in a clipped tone causing me to look at him confused

"Jason what's wrong ?"I asked noticing his whole attitude change

"Nothing "He mumbled before walking away towards where the family was waiting

"And they say women's hormones are crazy "I mumbled to myself which caused Lily and Daraioy to snicker in the back of my mind

"Where to Rosy ?"Nick asked slinging his arm around my shoulders

"I was thinking Shadow Park "I said ,he shook his head in approval to my choice

This park is made up ,I did however look up some parks in Pittsburgh to inspire this park and the pictures will be based off of those parks .

We followed the trail that stretched behind the cabin and silently walked together enjoying the peaceful feel the scenery gave off .

"It's beautiful here Rosalie "Jason's mom said breaking the silence

"When we use to come here Nick and I would sneak off while grandma distracted Dad so we could get away from training "I started to talk remembering when we were teenagers

"We'd just chance after each other letting the wind blow through our hair and play tag and just be free "I finished leaning my head against Nicks chest as he gave me a tight squeeze

"And then my mom would come barreling through the woods and pull us by the ears all the way back "I gasped at the mention of his mother whom he hasn't talked about

"What happened to your mother ?"Justin asked curiously

"She was killed by my grandpa "I answered

"My grandpa was a horrible person and did many horrible things to assure that his son air would be cold hearted and strong as Stone like he was "I started to explain

"To insure this my grandfather killed every family member or friend he thought would prevent me from becoming a strong leader ,and after my mother was killed he spelled my father so he could finally have the Son he wanted "I continued

"Grandma and Nick were the only ones to survive because they were in another country,after that I called them and told them everything that happened "I finished to see horrified expressions everyone including Jason

"How did your fathers spell get broken ?"Amy asked as we came to a stop and sat on the long wooden benches carved out of trees

"Well Daraioy use to be more present in my younger years and hired a special group of vampires to invest my grandfather ,and that's when they saw him dripping a thick green liquid into my fathers coffee before having a butler give it to my father "I said remembering that day like it happened recently

"I worked on impulse and rage ,for years my father shaped me to be this viscous leader and I found out that he was being controlled like a puppet .So I loaded up a gun full of sliver bullets laced with a deadly poison used back then for torturing "I said before pausing ,this is something only my grandma and Nick know and I hope my new family or Jason don't view me differently after I tell them my darkest secret

"I ran into my grandpas office and put the gun to his temple and demanded he give my father the reversal potion or I'd shoot him dead and you know what he did ?..."I asked laughing coldly

"He laughed and dared me to do it ,saying I didn't have the real guts to do it .I took my finger of the trigger and shoot him in the chest,his eyes widen in shock as he saw me lift the gun again and aim it towards his stomach before releasing to more bullets into his stomach "I said with my eyes casted down

"He looked at me in pure horror before finally telling me what the reversal potion was and I was going to walk away but I wanted to show him what he turned me into "I said taking a deep breath

"I looked him straight in the eyes and pulled the trigger a fourth time shooting him in the head...I watched as the life left his eyes and before he fully died he weakly smiled "I said as an unpleasant shiver ran down my spine

"I didn't know that I was really to far gone to change until I pulled the trigger ,after that I knew there was no saving me or changing me back to the girl I use to be "I said feeling one tear slip until they were falling continuously

"I still had his blood covering my dress as I ran to the potions room..."

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