Chapter 10

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Almost as soon as the judge bangs her gavel, all possible shit breaks loose. Look, I know I've been trying to hold back on the language, but I just can't do it right now. Everything's going to shit, and I have the weirdest feeling come over me. I can't explain it, really, it's like deja vu, but at the same time, it's freaking me out. I don't like it one bit. Not at all. This situation just keeps compounding itself again and again, and again.


As I was saying, though- the judge's gavel comes down on her stand, and so do the lights. For a moment, we're plunged into pitch blackness, then the emergency lights kick on. It's not exactly the most pleasing of environments, but things are always going to get worse before they get better, right?

As if to answer my question (It was meant to rhetorical. Why does every question have to have an answer? And why, oh why, did it have to be this kind?), a voice crackles slowly to life over the prison's ancient PA, and it has the same mechanized intonations as the ones earlier.

I have only one thing left to think right now- holy shit, run! My train of thought seems to be the same as the majority of the people in the courtroom, who all crowd to the doors and start trying to yank the doors open to no avail- they're locked solid.

Then someone- I can't tell exactly who, but they sound just like my mother. Shit.

But I don't get much more time to think, as somebody snuck a gun into the courtroom! Damn, what in the freaking hell am I supposed to do now?

Again, no time to think as the shooter levels their gun at me, and I think I recognize them as they level their tommy gun at me. I hear a click, and I have just a split second before everything goes black. In that fraction of a fraction of a second, one last thought flickers through my brain, the last conscious thought I'll have for five years. Mom?

Okay, hold up. Five years?

Yeah, sounds a little nuts, doesn't it? Well, I really hate to burst your bubble, but-

Well, on second thought, no I don't, but anyways...Yeah, a long time. I got shot in the chest, the blood loss caused me to go under, the doctors couldn't figure out anything to do, so they just froze me. Fast-forward five years and the virus released when I sneezed on my phone has now spread around the world, killing off billions and still posing the most serious threat to humans' existence that has ever been posed. I only woke up when the virus infected the containment facility where the government sent me.

Now, of course I wasn't the only one out there who was fighting the debacle that reared its nasty head six years ago, of course there were others. Now, I've only heard this story from the diary entries of those who lived it, as well as some conversations with them, but of course , they're second-hand accounts by now. I do however have a pair of audio recordings they left behind before they went missing last year. I'll listen to them again, transcribe them, see if I'm forgetting anything. Here goes.



"An audio recording of this shit, well, it might be useful to put in the archives one day, but of course, that's presuming we all survive, and not to be a downer, but I have no clue if I'll make it out of here alive. Well, fuck it all, it might be useful. Well, it won't be as useful- well, it won't be useful at all if I don't introduce myself. What do you picture when you think of me? I don't know. I know what I picture- my fursona, a red and blonde fox. But what I really look like? Well, similar- jet black skin and strawberry blonde hair with green eyes. I don't know if that's natural, because I never knew my parents. See, they died in a car crash when they were on the way back from leaving me at the orphanage. One hell of a twist, isn't it?

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