Chapter 9

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your bed above

Your POV:

"Welcome to your room, pet." Hoddie broke the silence as you were brought into a large bedroom with three separate king-sized beds.

'This doesn't seem so bad,' you thought. 'At least at least I have a bed and a warm room to sleep in. Though you couldn't figure out why there were three beds. 'Maybe they kidnapped others and I won't be alone' you hoped.

You got up the nerve to ask, "which one is my bed?" you asked in a small voice.

expecting an answer like "the one on the left', you were confused when the three started laughing.

"Oh, silly little naive pet," Masky chuckled.

"T-These are are our bed-ds" Toby explained, ticking as he talked. "Y-You ss-sleep over th-there." He pointed to the corner by the closet where a medium, jet black cage sat with red bedding and red and black pillows.

Hoddie had set you down on your feet by now and you slowly backed away from them.

"No way. No way in hell am I sleeping in that cage! I am not an animal!" You screamed. 

They seemed to be unfazed by your outburst as Masky replied in a calm but firm voice, "you can either sleep here, in this cage, with pillows and blankets; or  you can sleep in the basement, with no comfort or heating, and you will lie on the cold hard concrete."

staying silent you lowered your head submissively, giving into their demands for this one time since it was in your best interest and you needed to gain their trust in order to escape, and causing a fuss now was not going to help with that. 

"Good girl, you're learning." 

You felt sick to your stomach for giving in so easily but you had to do it. You prayed that you would get out of this horrid place soon. 

Toby clapped his hands together loudly, startling you from your thoughts. "O-ok, time f-fo-for bed now pet-t."

They gave you a long shirt and a pair of clean boxers to change into and thankfully let you change in the bathroom. Once alone you looked at yourself in the mirror, disgusted at the outfit you were forced to wear, but thankful you could finally change out of the thing. Quickly changing, using the bathroom, and fixing your hair you noticed a stray tear running down your cheek. You angrily wiped it away and scolded yourself for breaking so easily. 'I have to keep it together' you thought to yourself. 'I will get out of this place. I will see my family again.' You closed your eyes and took a slow deep breath, composing yourself as you turned the door handle and walked back out into the bedroom. 

"Perfect kitten, time for bed now." Hoodie held open the door of the cage and motioned for you to crawl inside, but you didn't move.

"Now pet. Don't give us trouble this late at night." 

"Fine." As you climbed inside you realize how cramped the space really was; you couldn't even straighten your legs fully.  

"Sleep tight, pet," Masky patted the cage as hoddie shut and locked the door. The three men turned off the lights and went to sleep in their respective beds.

sheer exhaustion soon set in and you slowly drifted off into a restless sleep.  

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