28 - A Wrinkle in the Universe

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"So, where are we going now?" Nick asks this as we're stopped at a busy intersection on Bourbon Street, somewhere in the heart of the Vieux Carré—as Jolie calls the French Quarters. Storefronts and restaurants are illuminated in every color of the rainbow, and people are flocking everywhere, ready for a night on the town.

"Wherever we want." Hartley gazes down the narrow street and past the crowded buildings, then twists around and hooks her elbow over the front seat. "Do you have any requests?"

I look at Sully and he shrugs.

"How about we go to Melanie's?" My friend lights up with the sudden idea. "Her family's out of town this weekend. We'd have the whole place to ourselves."

"She went away with them?" I ask.

"Yep. Her and her sister both. But we could have our own little party." Hartley grins. "The drinks and pool are already there. It's like they're waiting for us to enjoy them. It'd be a crime not to if you think about it."

Nick nods slowly, a half-smile inching up the side of his smug face. "I like the sound of that."

I squirm in my seat, unease rolling through me at the lecherous tone of his voice. "Are you sure Melanie wouldn't mind?"

"She doesn't even have to know. We'll leave everything the same way we find it. Minus a little bit of alcohol," she adds quickly. "I don't know about you, but after what we just went through, I could really use a drink." Hartley swivels back and turns on the radio. An alternative rock song floods the car, drowning out the memories of what went down at the plantation.

Something pokes the side of my thigh. I look down and see Sully's finger. "Are you okay with this?" he whispers over the music.

His expression is concerned yet hopeful and I can't bear to let him down. So, I nod, but a morsel of anxiety still blooms in my chest. The more I'm around Nick the less I want to be, and a party of four might be a little too close for comfort. Especially if they're planning to drink. If Intoxicated Nick is as unappealing as Sober Nick, I think we might all be in trouble.

Sully's staring at me like he's not convinced by my answer.

"I don't know." I shrink back in my seat, embarrassed by what I'm about to ask. "Will you be drinking, too?"

His eyes widen slightly but he doesn't flinch. "Not if you don't want me to."

The thoughtfulness behind those words cling to me. "I ... don't. Is that a problem?"

"Not at all." He smiles like he means it then laces his fingers through mine. My hand gets all tingly like there's a hive of bees buzzing underneath the skin.

When I think about Nick and all of the guys I go to school with, I wonder how many of them would forfeit an alcoholic beverage simply because a girl asked them to. It dawns on me that not many would, and it just proves how genuine Sully actually is.

We don't speak for the rest of the drive but do steal glances at one another, looking away as soon as we realize the other's noticed. And it's very sweet and incredibly stupid and WHY EXACTLY CAN'T WE LOOK AT EACH OTHER? When we pull up to Melanie's house I decide to do something drastic—something very un-Gwen-like. Because Summer of Change. So, I squeeze his hand in mine. When he looks up in surprise I hold his gaze. "Thank you."

His brows crinkle. "What for?"

"For being one of the good guys."

For the briefest of moments, a shadow crosses Sully's face but it disappears so quickly I wonder if I imagined it. "You don't have to thank me. It's not a big deal."

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