Chapter 4: Downhearted and Crestfallen

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She was too close for comfort. Her boobs were all in my face and it was a very uncomfortable situation. I'm not a huge fan of Mary', but I'd be fine with it if she wasn't a total bitch. I didn't even want to know what she wanted from me but I knew if I didn't ask her she wouldn't go away.

"What could you possibly want from me right now?" I asked her with an annoyed look on my face.

"What I want bitch, is for you to stay the hell away from Logan. I know it may be hard for someone like you to understand, but he will never want you, he's mine." she snapped.

"Um, hate to break the news to you hun, but Logan will never belong to anyone, and I know it may be hard for you to see, since you have a pound of some cheap ass mascara blocking your view, but I don't like Logan. If you want to call him yours going ahead, fill your boots, but he's always the one annoying me so maybe you want to talk to him about it, and if you do, remember to always knock, cause he might be banging some other chick. Now, as pleasant as this conversation was, and as much as I wanna chat about our dear friend Logan, I have to go to English" I spoke with hidden sarcasm that she probably wouldn't detect, hence the calling Logan a friend. Ew. Like that'd ever happen.

"Slut" I mumbled as I stepped around her to go to English.

"I heard that!" she shouted as I walked away slowly.

"Good. I was hoping you would" I remarked, still walking away with my back faced to her and I'm assuming she didn't move because I didn't hear any footsteps. I don't even get how guys banged her, she's too fucking annoying.

''Ugh BITCH!!" she squealed.

"Whore" I replied.


"Hoe" I shot back. She hesitated, almost as if she ran out of vocabulary, which I wouldn't be surprised if she did.


"Ouch, that one really hurt my feelings" I turned around and started walking backwards smiling while putting my hands to my chest in mock hurt. I then turned back around quick, making my long blonde hair flare outwards and started walking faster.

"UGH!!" she screamed. I just kept walking, didn't even turn around, and stuck my arm up in the hallway and gave her the middle finger. I heard her stomp away. I walked towards the end of the hall and into my English class. I'm glad I just made it on time cause I didn't really feel like explaining to the teacher why I would've been late.


I was home at this point; it was about 9:30 at night. I didn't run into Logan or Mary again today, thankfully. I talked to Kat and Jordan during English. Apparently Logan was a senior. When I heard it I wasn't surprised, he looked older, and hotter than any junior guy I was used to. Other than that, I just drove home and did some homework when I got home. I never really went out on school nights, or did anything interesting. I always get home, then go downstairs to the basement to workout, not everyday but most days. After, I usually take a shower and joke to my parents that I have to cleanse myself of school cooties. I then, sadly, start my homework. I thought the concept was stupid, like what idiot came up with 'homework'. Like you're at school for roughly 8 hours then you go home to do 6 hours of homework. I interrupted my homework to eat then went back at it.

I was pretty tired after dealing with everyone's bullshit today so I was just laying down in bed texting friends on snapchat. I was surprised at the name the came up on my phone screen. Nate. Even his name made my heart beat faster. I was nervous and excited at the same time to open his message. I opened his message really quick, like ripping of a bandaid.

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