Chapter 39

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"Again," Bennington ordered as he stood above the training center.

Beneath him, Ares was bent over in exhaustion, holding onto his knees as he gasped for air. His forehead and back were drenched in sweat, and blood trickled down the side of his head. He stood above the motionless combat droid, which lay on the floor with its limbs splayed out. A dent was buried in its metal cranium as a result of the last three fights it had with Ares.

Yet Bennington wasn't impressed. He only wanted to watch Ares's determination crumble.

"Hades, he's been fighting this robotic wanker for the last hour!" Atlas called out. "Could we just move on already?"

"Don't worry, lad," Bennington replied. "Once he's finally impressed me with his fighting skills, you'll be next to take on the droid."

Hermes placed his hand on Atlas's shoulder. "At this rate, I'll die before the time you get to fight. So enjoy it while you can."

Atlas raised an eyebrow, glancing up and down Hermes's body to study his wizened features. "That'll be a peaceful couple of minutes then."

The droid limply rose from the floor like a puppet being lifted by its strings. It then assumed a fighting stance, aiming its metal fists toward Ares.

"Would you like a rematch?" it asked in a metallic, monotone voice.

"No, I do not," Ares replied, wiping sweat off his brow. "But my boss is gonna kill me if I don't, so fuck it. Let's go."

The droid threw the first punch. Ares ducked underneath and made his move, bashing against the bot's head with an uppercut. All around him the test subjects and scientists watched and cheered. He felt more like an MMA fighter, yet he was only a prisoner forced to fight in the name of science.

Ares threw another punch, colliding against the side of the bot's head. The bot stumbled for a moment before launching a series of punches toward Ares. Two of them impacted with his chest, but he managed to dodge the rest.

He wiped some blood off his head and felt a small cut disappear into his skin thanks to the Ambrosia. He charged back into the fight, grabbing hold of the bot's arms. The two of them were now head to head, both trying to force each other back into the crowd.

"Keep 'er going, Ares!" Atlas shouted.

"Especially because Atlas doesn't want to fight!" Hermes added.

Atlas's excitement transitioned to annoyance at Hermes's comment, and he demonstrated his lack of appreciation by punching him in the shoulder.

Ares continued fighting the bot, knocking its head from side to side with every punch. The bot made impact with Ares's face several times, leaving behind bruises and scratches that healed within seconds, but Ares kept on fighting.

For Sarah, he thought with every punch.

"I know how to get him to succeed," Bennington whispered to Hera, who stood beside him above the training center. "Mr. Ares, I've got a question for you."

"Kinda hard to focus when this metal piece of shit is out to get me!" Ares replied, dodging another punch.

"I feel like you're holding back. You're aware this automaton is only programmed to fight back without killing its opponent."

"Wait," Atlas chimed in. "I thought you said five people were killed by—"

"Shut it, Atlas! You have no role in this conversation! This is only between me and Ares." Bennington returned his view to Ares. "So as I was saying..."

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