To Forget The Past: XXII

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Trigger Warning: Self-Harm Scars.
(Will have another "TW" right before the scene)

"So, nothing happened between you and Kane while you guys were off during your birthday?"

I sighed dramatically, hitting my head against the car seat's headrest. "For the millionth time, Isaac, no, nothing happened."

"I don't believe you," Isaac said matter-of-factly.

"Well," I looked over at Isaac who sat in the small area in the back of my Jeep. "I don't care, 'cause nothing happened"

Kane chuckled, shaking his head, not speaking a word into this conversation, which I gladly appreciated, I didn't want more cocky comments right now.

"Mhm," Isaac pouted our his lips and scanned my face, "Sure..."

I only rolled my eyes and turned back around in the passenger's seat, my right arm hanging out the side of the car, the cooling air blowing my flannel sleeve wildly.

"Why exactly are we going?" I asked, after a minute of silent.

"Because" Isaac spoke like it was an obvious answer.

"Because, what?"

"Because I missed your birthday, and it's not fair Kane had you allll to his self, it's my turn"

"You know, I'm right here, right?" Kane spoke out, glancing back at Isaac through the rear view mirror. "And I'm going with you guys"

"Yeah, yeah," Isaac waved his hand, brushing off his comment. "But, still, my turn"

"Wait, your turn with what?" I asked, just lost.

"With you, duh" He spoke with an eye roll, which I just let the conversation end, knowing there's no point asking anything more.

I went back to looking out the window. The sun was setting, making the swirling clouds coloured, light passing through them. I reached down to my feet, picking up my black camera bag, taking out my camera, uncovering the lens, and turned towards the window, pointing the lens to the dimming sky.

"You really love taking photos, don't you?" Isaac pointed out, though I ignored him, focusing on trying to take a good photo without it being blurred from passing trees or hitting bumps in the road.

After taking the photo, I turned off my camera, setting it in my lap and gazed out the window, feeling truly happy for just being there.

"What's gotten you so happy?" Kane asked, causing me to snap my eyes in his direction, where he glanced at me for a second before looking back at the road, a small smile on his lips.


"It's because she's with you," Isaac spoke up, but Kane and I both ignored him.

"You were smiling,"

"I was?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up. Kane nodded, his green eyes on the road. "Sorry,"

"Wai-no," Kane glanced at me, his smile gone. "Don't apologize," I nodded, immediately wanting to say sorry for saying sorry.

"It's cute," Kane added, bringing his eyes away from mine.

My eyes widened slightly, "Um," I looked away, staring out the window again, my face red. "Thanks" I mumbled, completely caught off guard.

"Aww, you two are definitely gonna date." Isaac said happily.

"Shut up..." I mumbled, irritated, yet a small smile tugged at my lips, uninvitingly.

To Forget The Past (Draft 1)Where stories live. Discover now