Chapter 5: Baths And Things

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"Natalie! Wake up!" At the sound of my mother's voice, I snap my eyes open.

"Mom?" I whisper, rubbing my eyes. "I thought you were dead!"

"Were you having a nightmare, sweetheart?" My mother kisses the top of my head and rubs my back. I glance around. There's a mahogany desk with a laptop, a fridge, a backpack lying on the floor with books spilling out. I glance down. I'm back in my own bed.

"It was a dream?" As I asked the question, my mother's face started to shift, slowly morphing into the face of a man. I blink. It's Edward.

"Hey wife," he smirks and leans in, as if to kiss me.

I scream, and suddenly I am waking up in another bed. Panting heavily, I sit up in bed and realize that I am still on the ship. Still in the past.

Dragging a hand across my sweaty forehead, I get off the bed and open my leather trunk for fresh clothes to wear. "Ugh," I rummage through layers of corsets and dresses. "I miss t shirts and sweatpants."

After a great deal of digging, I settle on a relatively plain grey gown sprinkled with tiny crystals and a pair of brown boots that probably don't match my dress. I brush my hair up into a tight bun, noticing how oily my hair is turning. I haven't showered since I arrived here. There doesn't seem to be a bathroom in here. Great. Now I have to go ask Edward.

"Edward? Where are you?" I yell, pushing the doors of my bedroom door open. Outside, it stinks of the sea. Two guards are standing across from my room, and I jump when I see them. "Err...hey," I say awkwardly.

They bow, "your royal highness."

"Okay, this is weird," I laugh. "Um... guys? Do you know where king, is?"

"His majesty's chambers are straight down the hall. It's the fourth door to the left, your royal highness," the guards bow again.

"Okay, great. Thanks! See you guys later!" In silence, they bow again. Awkward. I hurry over to Edward's room.

After a few knocks, Edward doesn't come to his door, so I push it open and peer inside. Empty. "Edward?" I call out, stepping into the room.

"In here!"

I follow his voice into the next room and immediately regret my choice. "Oh my god! Edward! What the fuck!" I shield my eyes.

"What?" Edward splashes around in his bathtub. "Never seen a man bathe before?"

I turn around and cross my arms. "Actually, no. I haven't."

"You're welcome to join if you want."

I cross my arms over my chest, shuddering, partly out of horror and partly out of excitement, at the thought of being in the same tub as him. "No thanks."

"Oh, come on," he eyes my crossed arms, "There's nothing to see. Besides, I am not interested in the bodies of women."

I cock an eyebrow. "So you're interested in the bodies of men?"

"I told you," he splashes around, spilling water down the side of the tub, "no useless emotions."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say."

"So why are you here?"

"Um, I want to shower."

"Shower? Where in the world do you pick up all these strange words?"

Oh, right. I mentally slap myself. Showers haven't been invented yet. "I want to...bathe?"

"I thought I already invited you to join me."

What a pervert. No useless emotions? What a load of crap. "I prefer to bathe alone."

"What if I tell you that the only way for you to bathe is to join me?"

"What the hell!" I whirl around, wanting to yell at him, but yelp at the sight of him stepping out of the bath tub. Thankfully, he had the decency to cover his 'thing' with a towel. "Y-y-you!" I stutter, "You pervert!"

With a sly grin dancing on his lips, he reaches forward and grabs my arm, pulling me towards him. "Wait!" I shriek when I land in his bare arms. "I'm not bathing with you!"

"Why not?" He whispers in my ear, "we're going to be husband and wife."

My breath hitches as he slides his arm around my waist, drawing me tight against his wet, warm body.

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