Lollipops - Chapter 27

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Remus' word were assuring — that bit Naomi knew. Though, she wanted to tell Remus about what had happened. She thought that, after being so kind to her, he deserved to know.

"Remus," she began, getting straight to the point; "Sirius is unconscious in the Hospital Wing."

Remus looked at her and became weary. He exasperatedly said, "What was it this time, then? Prank gone wrong? The idiot..."

"No," Naomi swiftly chuckled, but it was so dull and mundane that Remus looked confused. "Actually, he intook some Blighting's Bite, which was in my possession, and well, I'm sure you're aware of the side effects, yes?"

Remus nodded in response to her question as a slight frown adorned his face. "Oh, well, does he know that you have... cancer?" She noticed that he was almost afraid to utter the disease, as if it would trigger the girl. Nonetheless, she shook her head at his question, and his frown deepened. "Then, what are you going to do when he wakes up?"

She responded in a desperate-like tone. "I'll tell him, of course, but it'll be difficult."

Unexpectedly, Remus stood up from the bench he'd been seated on. He only offered two simple words; "Come on."

Naomi questioned his actions, but she stood up and rushed after him. He zoomed into the castle, while Naomi reached into her pocket to retrieve a lollipop, hastily sucking the Blighting's Bite coated on it. For, Remus was walking so fast that she was practically running, and it was draining all of her little energy.

"Wait!" She panted. "Where are you going? Slow down,"

He slowed down only when they'd arrived at the destination. He offered an explanation, "There, you can practice on Sirius. Pretend that he's awake, and act like you're telling him the truth."

Naomi realized that they were at the Hospital Wing. She looked at the teenage boy apprehensively once hearing his plan, but with an encouraging nod, she gave in and walked into the room. Expectedly, Madam Pomfrey bustled over immediately, demanding her of what she was doing there.

"I'm just... visiting Sirius." said Naomi.

With a displeased look, Madam Pomfrey nodded. "Very well. Make it quick, and do not disturb him, dear,"

Naomi nodded and the nurse retreated. She made her way towards Sirius. She stared at him for a moment, noticing that he looked so peaceful. With a deep breath, Naomi began to speak.

"Hey, Sirius. Erm, I'm going to die soon, just to let you know. Have a great day!" Naomi chuckled at her own sarcasm, before sobering up. She tried again, "Sirius, before you jump to any conclusions about why you're here, I want you to know that... that... that —"

"That what?" A random voice interrupted. Just as Naomi had been practicing her confession on an unconscious Sirius, he woke up.

Startled, Naomi gasped. She incredulously asked, "You're awake already?"

Sirius adjusted his position to be hoisted upright in the Hospital Wing's bed, while offhandedly shrugging. "Yeah. But, what were you telling me?"

Naomi paused. Her heart's speed picked up. "Nothing. I'll tell you after,"

He looked at her curiously and shrugged. Just as he did so, Remus walked into the room. His eyes scanned the scene in front of him.

In the end, he chose to address Sirius. "I see you've awakened."

"Yeah. Mind telling me how I got here?"

Naomi and Remus looked at each other, sharing uncomfortable glances, and Sirius noticed their gesture. He cautiously demanded, "What? What is it? Is it something bad? The last I remember, I was in your dorm, Naomi,"

Lollipops ↬ Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now