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Chesca clenched and unclenched her fists, her eyes seething. She burnt holes in the back of Asa's head while he stood talking to one of his command.

Soon they were all seated at the large dining table, eating lunch. She pushed the salad around on her plate, a knot twisting in her stomach. The decision was all up to her, Asa had made that much clear. The only reason she could figure for his stupid deal was that he and Kaiden must go further back than she realised, and he was looking out for his friend, wanting him to be happy with a mate.

The fact it was her who would be tied down to that jerk was lost on Asa. Maybe it was to spite her. Maybe it would be to finally break her, she'd refuse his condition, and just hand over the whole pack and territory to Asa. Yes, that must be it—he wanted her pack, too!

Grrr, why was every male so power hungry? The glass in her hand cracked slightly under the pressure she'd applied, and the table all looked at her.

"I'm sorry," she said hastily before getting up, throwing her napkin beside her plate. "I need some space."

Kaiden got up to follow, but her deadliest glare made him sit back down.

The forest needles crunched under her heavy footsteps as she wound her way between the trees. She didn't know where she was going, but it didn't matter. She could only think clearly when surrounded by fresh air and the calming sense of nature. Her father would always find her out in the woods late the night before stressful exams, and he joked that she was part wood nymph on top of her keen wolf instincts. She never got lost, but could expertly track paths and animals, always finding her way back home.

So when she heard footsteps behind her now, her whole body tensed, knowing exactly who it was. The scent of freshly cut grass seeped in the air around her, making her heart twist and flip despite her best discipline.

"I told you not to follow me."

"You just glared at me, how was I supposed to know what that meant?"

"Seeing as I'm your mate, I figured you could read my mind by now."

"Only once we're mated, sweetheart," Kaiden walked closer with a smug look on his face, and reached out his hand. She swatted it away and turned around, walking deeper into the forest.

"Asa wants to know your decision. He said the offer won't stand forever."

"Tell him to go stuff his face in a pile of poetic junk. There's no way I'm gonna get stuck with you as my soulmate."

"If it's only land you want, then....we could..." Kaiden began slowly, and Chesca turned to watch his face, wanting to see just where he was going with this. She could see his lips twitch upwards, words on the tip of his tongue as his mind continued formulating them. "We could just go through with the ceremony like Asa wants, but, you know....it doesn't have to.." he nervously rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his feet.

"Doesn't have to what?" she crossed her arms and stared at him hard, the leafy shadows dancing rhythmically across his face, the dappled sun rays tinting his brown hair with golden specks.

"Mean anything?" he spread his hands and his voice went up at the end like he was asking for her agreement.

She narrowed her eyes. Did he really mean that, or was he manipulating her, getting her to agree to the acceptance ceremony just so he'd be one step closer to owning her pack? "I don't believe you," she stated coldly.

"Oh Chesca, come on," he dropped his arms. "Your pack needs the land, yes?" he waited until she nodded. "And Asa has agreed to move the border, so why can't you just do this? For your pack? We can maybe work out whatever is between us later," he put his hands on his hips, regarding her intently.

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