Pinky promise

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"Love, do we have to go out tonight? I just want to stay home with you." I smiled when I felt Harry's arms go around my waist, pulling me to his chest.

"We already made reservations." I turned in his arms, 

"Don't be so lame, it's gonna be fun, I promise. Besides, you won't get to see your family next week since we're flying back to L.A. and you know they want to see you for your birthday."

"You're right." He kissed me briefly on the mouth, 

"Come on then." He said, tugging me by the hand.

I smiled to myself as we left his flat, knowing that he had absolutely no clue what was waiting for him at the restaurant.

"What are you so happy about today?" Harry asked as we got out of the car.

I shrugged, 

"There's lots to be happy about. Like how my boyfriend is the best guy in the world."

He narrowed his eyes,

 "Stop being so corny you're making me uncomfortable." I laughed and he pulled me in his arms, kissing me again,

 "I feel the same way about you, you know." He said tucking a hair behind my ear.

I frowned, 

"You think I'm the best guy in the world? Love, I gotta tell you something and it might shock you–"

He rolled his eyes and pushed me away, but he was smiling, 

"Oh stop, you know what I meant."

I laughed and grabbed his hand as we walked in the restaurant. When I gave them my name, they led us to a room in the back. Harry was still clueless.

Then the door opened and as we walked in, we were greeted by a deafening 


Harry's mouth dropped open as he scanned the crowd, seeing all his friends and family, and then he turned to me, 

"Did you do this?"

I nodded, smiling,

 "Happy birthday, Harry."

His mouth went from surprise to happiness as he smiled so wide and leaned down to hug me, pulling me as close as possible, nearly lifting my feet off the ground.

 "Thank you, my love. You have no idea how much this means to me." He whispered in my ear.

"I think I have an idea." I smiled, 

"Now go. Everyone's here for you."

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before going to greet his friends.

I just watched him for a bit, happy that he was enjoying himself. But after twenty minutes or so, I noticed him looking for me. Leaning in to Jeff's ear, asking if he'd seen me, so I started to walk back over to him.

His eyes lit up when he saw me, 

"There she is." And he immediately slung an arm around my shoulders, 

"Where'd you go?"

"Nowhere, I was around."

He pulled me close and kissed my temple, 

"I missed you."

I snorted, 

"How many drinks have you had already?"

He frowned, 

"I've only had, like, two. Why do you ask?"

"You just get really clingy when you're drunk."

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