Party Prep

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That morning was the same as any other as I walked to school five steps behind my sister as she chatted in a group with her friends. The air was brisk with the cold wind of winter as the sun lay hidden among ripples of gray clouds that cascaded across the sky. Upon reaching the school gates Jessica and her group of girls scattered as everyone went off to their own classes and I went to my locker to get my school books.

"Excuse me?"

I looked to my side as I was pulling books out of my locker to see a freshmen boy one year younger than me. He was kinda short but well built was tan skin and thick muscles. He had short  cut brown hair and steel grey eyes that seemed distant and sorta lost.

"What is it?" I asked shyly as I unconsciously took a half step away from the boy.

"You are Jessica's sister right?" He asked and I sighed as I immediately foresaw the rest of the conversation.

"I'm Y/n." I said.

"I'm Blake." He said as he extended his hand for me to shake which I do so shyly. "Do you know if your sister is going to be at Natalies party this weekend?" he asked, I could see the anxiety in my face as his shoulders tensed in anticipation and his hand unconsciously left to rub the back of his neck.

"She will be." I muttered which earned a bright smile from the guy standing before me.

"That's great!" He basically yelled which caused me to flinch back slightly. "Will you tell her I'll be there?"

I nodded and the guy smiled again as he gave me a quick wave goodbye and jogged off to a group of his friends who were waiting for him at the end of the hall. I sighed as I continued to get out my books, jumping slightly when something fell out from the back of my locker. I knelt down to pick it up and found that it was a small cardboard box. The box was wrapped neatly with a red bow and it had y name in cursive on the side. I quickly looked around to see if someone was watching before slowly pulling on the bow and opening the box. The box was full of candy, mostly chocolate, and there was a small noted folded inside.

"To the sweetest girl in school." It said simply in the same cursive letters that were printed on the box. I smiled fondly as I shoved some of the candy in my pocket and put the rest in my bag.

Time skip:

"You know too much candy will make you fat." Jessica said as she caught me snacking on the chocolate on the walk home. It was a rare occasion when the two of us got to walk home together and I was already regretting it.

"Just a little won't hurt." I muttered as I put the rest away. I was a good five pounds heavier than my sister and although it wasn't really noticeable it still made me self-conscious. As we reached the house I made my way up to my room but was stopped by Jessica as she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me across the hall to her room.

"What are you doing?" I ask as she sits me down at her desk and begins to pull things out of drawers. I see her pull out the makeup and I immediately try to bolt for the door but she grabs me and pulls me back.

"If you are going to go to this party then you have to dress up a bit." She squealed as she starts comparing foundations to match my skin type which was a shade lighter than hers. I had nothing against putting on makeup I just hated it when Jessica did my makeup for me for she always made me look like a complete diva.

"Can't we just go simple?" I whined as I silently counted the bottles of perfume she had lined up on the desk. She looked me over once and then sighed.

"Fine, but you still have to wear a little bit." She muttered as she pulled up my face and started to apply the foundation. Minutes later she stepped back and beamed with pride.

"You look so pretty!" She cooed as she handed me the mirror. I looked at my reflection and let out a sigh of relief as she didn't make me look like a barbie doll.

"Now go put on your dress and wait for me downstairs." She said as she shoed me out of the room. I went to my own room and slipped on the (f/c) dress. It fit my body well but I was still uncomfortable with the amount of skin it showed so I coved up a bit with a pair of black tights and a nice jacket. I then run downstairs where I find my mom just getting back from work with two grocery bags on both arms. She puts down her bag and looks me over from head to toe with a confused expression.

"Jessica is taking (forcing) me to a party." I explain and her face lights up in understanding.

"Good luck Honey." She says with a smirk as picks up the bags and brings them to the kitchen with me following on her heels.

"Cant you make up some excuse where I dont have to go?" I whisper as I help her unpack the bags.

"It wont be that bad." She says with a smile. "Who knows, you might make some friends."

I look at her with my 'you gotta be kidding' face as she walks over to me and smooths out my dress.

"You are going to be fine." She mutters. "You are sixteen. You should have some fun once in awhile."

I hang my head and mope as Jessica comes bounding downstairs in a rather frisky outfit. It is under forty degrees outside and she is wearing a short red dress with fishnet stocking, black heels, and no jacket. Mom looks her over and sighs as she walks over and wraps my sister up in a thick brown cardigan.

"I dont need this!" She argues as she fights to get it off.

"You'll get cold."

"It'll ruin my outfit!"

They argue back and forth until eventually Jessica gives in and shoves the cardigan in her bag to wear later.

"Have fun you two!" Mom calls out as we climb into my sister car and take off down the street towards the party. Ten minutes later we pull u in front of a large two-story house with people dancing in the yard and music blasting from inside.

"I thought you said this was a small party." I muttered nervously as I looked at the huge crowd of people.

"No I didn't." Jessica answered as she climbed out of the car. 

"I guess I was just hoping it was." I whisper as I get out after her. Within seconds, Jessica ran p to the front door and dissapeared into the crowd leaving me alone on the front yard. I dont know why but I had some sinking feeling in my stomach that something bad was going to happen.

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