Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was walking back from school with my best friends Tony, yes, she is a girl and Ray, short for Raymond. I felt like I am being watched, and I hate this feeling. I have been feeling like since that night, which was like five days ago.

We were walking in a comfortable silence, none of us talk uselessly. Plus, we were happy that we finally finished our colleges.

Yes, we have completed graduation, today was just a final day to say goodbye.

"So, Ray, Tony, what will you guys do after this?" I asked them, unhappy about the fact that I'll have to leave my besties.

"I'll apply for a neurologist" Tony said happily, we all were in medical school, the only difference, we had different subjects.

"I'll be a psychiatrist" Ray smiled. "And you (y/n)?"

"Usual, psychologist" I smiled.

"Yeah, you love that subject, I say you are a pro at it" Tony beamed happily.

"Yeah yeah, stop it, you're embarrassing me" I blushed.

"Oh I'm just saying the truth" she squealed. I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

"Oh you did not just ignored me" she gasped, exaggerating.

"Oh I just did " I stuck my tongue out at her. She puffed her cheeks, knowing she would never win in a verbal fight with me.

"Guys, this is my stop" Ray said, sorrowfully. Me and Tony stopped our childish display and hugged Ray.

"Waaah!! I'll miss you!!! Waah!" I fake cried along with Ton.

He just hugged back, parted and without any other word, left.

I looked at Tony and she looked at me, we had a stare contest before I ran away laughing. She followed laughing as well. As I came to my house, I stopped.

Turning around, I hugged Tony.

"Don't forget to call, I'll miss you" I said with a sad smile. She hugged me back.

"Don't worry, I will" she said as I parted. I looked into her beautiful green eyes, smiled and went inside my home.

I'm going to seriously miss them. I went to my room to put my bag away. I sat on my bed, just now noticing the black rose and the note. I picked them up and read the note.

I will have you, one way or other.....

What in the heavens is this?! I scrutinized the note and thought about what to do with it. It would be rude to just throw it away, so I just put the rose in a empty vase and filled it with water. I kept the note inside my desk. I laid down on my bed.

Who is B.H? I thought about all the possibilities, Black Hat came to my mind for a second, but why would he do this? He doesn't even know that I exist. I could've never been so wrong.......

"(Y/n)" my oldest cousin sister, my paternal aunt's daughter, Ava or as we call her, Rozy because of her rosy eyes, said. 

I hummed in response looking at her as she peeked in through my bedroom door.

"Come to my room" she said and walked away.

I got up and went to her room to find Samuel, my second oldest cousin, also the daughter of my paternal aunt. We call her Sonia because of it being her nickname. My blood sister, younger than me, Eliza was there as well. Something's up.

I walked in.

"Lock the door, will you?" Rozy said and I locked the door, sitting with them on their bed.

"I found a blind date for you!!!" Rozy exclaimed.

"What!?!" Was my first and only word.

"His name is Henry, he is good looking, wealthy, smart and kind. Perfect for you!" Sonia said.

".....I don't like the fact of her having a boyfriend" Eliza said. Rozy and Sonia shushed her.

"So, what do you think?" Rozy asked.

I hesitated but nodded "I'll go."

"Good thing because we are going tomorrow" Sonia said.

"Ain't that a bit too early?" I said, unsure.

"Not at all, it's a blind date after all, plus, he knows about you for a couple of months now" Rozy said.

"What!?!!" I was shocked.

"Yeah so?" Sonia said.

"You say it like it's normal" I told her.

"It is" Rozy shrugged.

"For you" I said emotionless. It's true, many boys die to have Rozy as their girlfriend but they are just pervs. My to-be brother-in-law is lucky to have her and Sonia believes she found her soulmate, Imran who is a religious guy. Aliza, well, she likes Ray and he likes her too, but they both don't know yet, tsunderes. I know about their feelings and so does Rozy and Sonia and we are playing the role of matchmakers.

"So, can we make it a double or triple blind date?" I asked with a small invisible smirk.

"Uhh.... sure?" Rozy said, hesitant.

"Or maybe, a date for all of us. You and Bro-in-law, Sonia and Imu (pronounciated as emo), me and this Henry and Aliza with a guy I have chosen for her, at the same place" I said, smirking.

"Good idea" Sonia smiled.

"I agree" Rozy smiled.

"I don-" Aliza was interrupted.

"Oh I bet you'll like the guy" I smirked.

"Uhhhh...." she was nervous.

"For us" we three begged with puppy dog eyes.

"Urgh, fine" she said and mumbled some inaudible things. We three smiled and I winked at my two older sisters at our successful plan, phase one complete. They both smirked. This is going to be a fun date.

"You four troublemakers, come and get your snacks, will you?" Mom yelled at us from wherever she was.

My stomach grumbled and then Aliza's and then Rozy and Sonia's grumbled too. We all smiled sheepishly and blushed slightly.

"Coming!!!" We yelled back as we scrambled, scurried, ran, tumbled and jogged to the dining room, laughing at each other's actions.

Even though its not the best, my life is all I ask for because, I love it the way it is. I am blessed with such a nice life, specially after I saw the life of some of my previously depressed classmates, who are not depressed anymore, thanks to me. I love seeing people smile, specially if I am the reason. And thats exactly why I want to be a psychologist, to see poeple smile, because of me.

And no matter what, I'll always live my family, ready to kill or be killed for them. (Flowey: you idiotic author, this is not undertale that you being in my dialogue.

Shut up you stupid flower)

Should I say anything? Maybe not, but, in this story, I'll try to keep Black Hat in his character, though, that will be in the start. He'll change later, and become softer, for you that is. Sorry for inconvenience but I won't be here because of being grounded and j have no idea how long it will take. Again sorry.

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