LX. Sea Alert (4)

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Last time, I saw my ranking and it reached rank #4 in Fantasy, Banzaii!! Thank you minna!!

Btw, I now know how to play mobile legends and now I realized that it really is addicted, lols. Anyway, add me minna-san but I'm still beginner and started playing this game two days ago?  DarkSparrow is my username(?) and invite me if you play and I'm online but like I said, I.Am.Only.Beginner

Ja ne!!


Since we enter the Green Forest, we did not have a chance to rest and eat.

Now we know why most adventurer who enter the forest are all above rank C and most of them will not leave unscathed or no longer can leave the forest and see the next day light.

This is our most neglected issue. Green Forest is too dangerous for us.

All of us are already worn out, too tired to even move our fingers.

Are we going to die here?

Because of fame that we wanted to get from killing a kraken, we did not notice our most important flaws; we are still weak to enter this dangerous forest.

And now, when I look at my friends, my heart is aching. I don't want to die yet and I don't want to see them dying.

I now realize and understand the meaning behind of the quote, 'Overestimating oneself leads to death'.

We overestimate our own strength and neglected the real issue here.

We are really an idiot.

We became greedy for fame and underestimate the danger of the forest.

I... I don't want to die here!

I tighten my grip on my swords as I look at the vicious Fire Wolves pack in front of us.

I took a deep breath and calm myself. My mind will not function right if I am not calm and anxious. When I am sure that my heart beat is normal and that I am really calm, I focus myself to the pack.

Everything seems to be in slow motion. My calm breathing and the sweat in my forehead seems to be moving in a very slow motion but the truth is, everything happens so fast that can't be seen by the normal naked eye.

"Levi, you're good at RPG games. You should know what group formation should use in a siege like this" I shouted at Michelle who is in front, dealing and blocking most of the wolves.

Michelle who heard my words, nodded at me and told each of us what should we do in a battle like this.

I never played RPG games before and so, I never know what to do.

I even curse myself. I learned military strategies and tactics yet all of the knowledge I learned are useless since I seem can't remember anything due to anxiousness and nervousness.

How stupid I am.

I am in a middle of battle yet I am not calm.

Calm is the greatest weapon when you're in a battle but I can't apply it today.

How stupid and pathetic I am.

But seeing how Michelle turns the table with her simple strategy she used in a game before, I give her thumbs up.

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