Chapter 30- "Tripping on a flat sidewalk"

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On the last day of staying in the cramped hospital room, I woken up to find a folded note on my desk. I had tentatively picked it up to see familiar cursive handwriting. It had read, "Hey Destiny, I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I hope you're okay and I wish I could've visited you. This isn't exactly how I wanted our reunion to be, but we will meet again. -Arizona". 

I had clutched onto the note as her rosy scent lingered in the air.

Now that I knew that Arizona had said her goodbyes, I knew it was time to go back home. The one place where I felt most like myself-- Yet little did I know that a huge part of me died with Dominic.


The train ride home had been filled with a solemn silence. Though I was next to Alex the whole time, I couldn't help but feel defeated. I was so sure that the Moon Goddess wouldn't win, that I could defy her whole mating system. I had been wrong. I did end up with Alex as my mate, but I had lost a huge part of my life. I didn't even know what I was anymore.

Before we had got on the train, Alex had suggested that we clear our minds and go for a run and I had agreed eagerly. The weather was beautiful and the forests were green and leafy. When Alex had shifted into his wolf with the gorgeous golden brown fur I had grinned and tried to transform into my own wolf. 

When I had closed my eyes and waited for the familiar feeling of my bones lengthening and my rust coloured fur to sprout out, the sensation hadn't come. Minutes passed and as I tried to shift, there was an odd pain in my bones. Cold dread had filled me. This had never happened to me, shifting into my wolf had always been easy as waking up in the morning or pulling on a shirt. 

So when I appeared in front of Alex, fully clothed as a human, there had been tears in my eyes. I could see that his head was tilted and his large green eyes filled with confusion. He had immediately transformed back into a human and hastily pulled his clothes back on. His steady arms had been around me as I sobbed into his shoulder.

And as I cried in his arms, the only thought that kept echoing in the fragments of my mind was, life will never be fair.


----------------------------* Vivian's Point of View*-----------------------------

Even though The Arctic Lights Pack had hundreds of refined wolves, it had felt eerily empty without the quirky presence of Destiny and the dry humour of Alex. We'd been informed that they'd be leaving for about a week or so, and it wasn't a big deal-- The huge pack constantly had wolves coming and going, from all over the place. But when that one week slowly turned into two, and then three, I even had to admit to myself that I was growing concerned. 

Apparently the Luna had been in contact with them, yet she was remotely quiet about the situation. None of us knew what was going on. For the past few days I'd been pestering Fox, knowing that the Gamma had to know the whereabouts of the couple. I even went as far as to making him sleep on the sofa in our large room for a night. It had been for nothing as he didn't know either.

I was growing restless.

Of course I was worried about my friends, but what bothered me more was not knowing what the hell was happening. I mean, I was Vivian Thorne! I always found a way to find out everything and anything I could. Many wolves never realized my earphones rarely played music and I could full on hear their conversations as I was lazily "dozed" off on the sofa. And other oblivious ones gave into my large blinking eyes and ever so slightly tilted head, painting an image of a trusting young girl. 

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