Chapter 4: Cocky Brat

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I have probably grown two heads. Or maybe it is that my skin has turned a bright shade of green. Or maybe I started speaking Spanish because the looks that both Gorilla and the man threw at me, where completely, and ultimately confused. But you have to understand after I had been captive for six years... you miss out on some stuff.

All they said to me was that they were the biggest Kpop group in all the world. Millions of fans everywhere, millions of presentations, signings, concerts. I also was informed that there where 7 members. Someone called...B? Sugar, G-min, Yey-Hope, Gin, AreM, and lastly, Yuncuc.

I am probably going to forget their names anyway, so why learn them in the first place?

"We are here." The limo-van stopped in front of one of the tallest and fanciest buildings I have ever seen ( well, since that day). The word "BigHit" was more than evident at the top of the building. With tall windows, and almost transparent walls.

"You are going to meet Manager Sejin and the boys right now, please try to behave." The man said, already cringing at images of what I will probably do. But it is not my fault, they are the ones who asked me to take this job.

"After meeting everyone you have to meet, we will run some tests on you." Tests? No one said anything about a test. Suddenly my mind was clouded by the images, by those short but strong memories. Needles coming out of my body, bags of blood in a large hallway. Water, so much water.

I have probably started to hyperventilate, because next thing I knew, the man took my hand and squeezed hard.

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong. You just have to follow me, and behave." He said, and the tiniest hint of a kind smile rushed to his face before it flew away with my worries.

"By the way... what is your name?" He asked after a few seconds of comfortable silence.

"Ae Ri, my name is Ae Ri."


Going past the security wasn't what made my nerves explode, the small, yet prominent nurse room was what made me uneasy. I know this room is for emergencies only, but still, the smell of alcohol and medicine trigger the wrong memories I want to recall right now.

Anyway, we walk past that, and we get ourselves into a gigantic elevator. Gorilla, the man and I wait patiently for the red number signals our floor.


We shouldn't stop until floor 47, but the elevator stopped on floor 24. The doors opened, and a guy with light blue, almost mint hair entered angrily. His steps thudding as he made his way past the three of us.

" YOONGI! WAIT!" It was too late for the poor woman with a hair dryer on one of her hands, and a hairbrush on the other.

The guy, whose name I suppose its Yoongi, pushes me to the side as he made his way to the back of the elevator, and the doors closed. He clicked the first floor, which leads to the exit of the building.

"Mr. Yoongi, you need to go back." But the elevator was already descending to the first floor, and earphones covered his ears. I took a chance to examine his outfit. Black jeans, black hoodie, nice gold glasses, white earphones, and his messy mint hair fighting to get into the right posture.

But he doesn't respond to the man. He keeps his eyes locked on his phone, choosing the right song.

"Mr. Yoongi, we have gone through this many times. You cannot disrespect the ajummas, in fact, you cannot disrespect anyone." The man said, raising his voice slightly in annoyance, after all, Yoongi is not listening to a word he is saying.

But all he does is, raise his middle finger towards us. With a faint smirk on his lips.


The floors are counting down, and so did my patience.

I take Yoongi by the collar of his sweater. And his eyes widen at the sudden movement. I rip his earphones and throw them to the floor. With my knees, I press his body against the wall of the elevator. And with my free hand, I hold his head to look at me in the eye.

"Listen, when someone is talking to you, brat."

Saying that he is surprised is an understatement. His body froze. The faint music coming from his earphones was the only sound on the elevator.

The doors opened on the first floor, and as Yoongi stepped out of the elevator, he bumped shoulders with me, hard.

The doors closed, and the elevator started going up to the 47th floor once again.

"See? You shouldn't hire kids to do grown-up jobs. I don't know why you are still keeping me here. Anyway... when are you going to fire that cocky brat?"

Gorilla and the man glanced at each other, how they always do when I do something wrong.

"He will probably fire you."


Hey guys!

So... yeah. Not the best first introduction, is it? What do you think about Suga? Do you think he needs to chill? Why was he so angry? Will Ae Ri be able to make his feet touch ground?

We will see... :D

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Something Serious.

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