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Journal 21 (Day 59)

I got a letter from my real dad today.

Dear Avery,

I miss you. I havent seen you in a while. Or heard from you. Why? are you okay? I'm sorry, sorry for fucking up your life. I'm sorry for hurting you and your sister. I'm sorry for hurting your mother. I miss what we did and what we had. we, me and you were so close. you clung to me, audrey clung to your mother. we were so close. You were my little girl, you still are if you want to be I guess. I can't help but smile, and I know I shouldn't because I don't deserve to. I hope you remember when we used to play. I hope you remember some happy memories, I hope you know how much I love you. I love... loved your mother, I think about her everyday. I think about her dirty blonde hair and how it was perfect. I think about her blue green eyes, and how the moon reflected perfectly and her smile, I loved that smile. It was so radant. Her skin was so pale, but soft, and perfect. I am so sorry, I will never forgive myself. I miss you so much baby girl. I wish i could take it all back. I am sorry for all of the pain I have caused you and your sister. How is your sister? I hope all is well. How is your mom and dad, tyler and emily. Tell them I thank them for everything they have done for you two. I wish I could tell them in person. Am I allowed to write you? I mean do they know? I don't want you to get into trouble. I would like it if you would vistit. I love you and your sister with all my heart. I want the best for you. you are smart and wonderful, remember that.

Love you lots,


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