Round Twelve - Heed Their Warning

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Down in the court yard, there stands you.
Looking at the borage shimmering with blue.
You wonder of the will, as it fits the bill.
It gives you this place of desolation and fear. 

There stands the castle, mighty and grey against the dark storm.
The clouds whip violently into their bulky form. 
Rain pounds on the relic of a house.
Best get inside before you are doused.
No wonder you run so quickly.

What is it that you believe to be?
That spirit walking? That is me. 
Heed their warning, they'll keep you safe.
Stay with me, your soul, I will strafe. 
Be wary of the evil, do not chase it. 

Don't dare let me in your head,
With daily agony, you'll be fed. 
Leave by morning,
That is their warning. 
Do not stay long, you could regret it.

No harm will come to you unless you ignore their plea.
No sense in running, relax, you need to have some tea. 
Heeding their warning is a fulfilling task.
Who are they, you might want to ask?
They are those whom I have trapped.

Heed their warning,
Be gone by morning,
Or I will take you away.
Your soul will be at bay.
Caught inside my castle walls.

Do not test my skill,
You're all fight, no power of will. 
I rightfully call this castle mine.
You call it yours? I'll steal you blind.
So, welcome to my castle.

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