Chapter 13

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"Aaron," the name slipped out of my lips like a prayer. I looked on the eyes that have loved me and cared for me. I had no one beside him but I knew I could never want anyone other than him.

I felt myself being drawn to him. Maybe it was because of the whiskey or maybe it was just my inner desire. I walked towards him. I didn't stop until my hands were in his silky strands and my lips on his. His soft firm lips didn't move at first but then it happened. It was an explosion. It was fireworks for me. His hands wrapped around my waist and his lips moved against mine. Soft yet firm, tender and magical. His tongue dipped inside tasting in me long, leisurely licks. I pulled on the silky strands, directing his mouth over mine. I was lost in that feeling. It felt like I was floating like there wasn't anything better than this feeling. Nothing compared to it. It made my world turned upside down. How could a simple kiss do that? How could just our lips touching have me drown in such a pleasure like never before?

I was drinking him in, tasting him and what I had been missing from so long, lifting onto my toes to deepen the connection. As desired, he gave me what I wanted. He ate at my mouth but he touched my soul by stroking with the velvet lash of his tongue, nibbling with lips and teeth, sliding his lips back and forth across mine. Savoring me. Turning my simple kiss into an erotic melding that had me trembling with pleasure. Why did I deny myself from this pleasure? Why did I abstain myself from this feeling?

I loved him. I will always love him. I couldn't stay away from him anymore. Not now not ever.

My back hit the wall as he pushed me back. My back arched to get more of him, more of his taste. His hands found mine. Untangling them from his hair he lifted them up against the wall. Holding them against the wall with his, his lips left mine and he trailed kisses down my neck until he hit that sweet spot making me moan out a gasp of pleasure. He sucked, licked, had me seeing stars and making my legs go weak. His every kiss was kiss to my soul. It pulled on my heart, made me lose control, and had me submitting to this desire and love I had for him. How I have survived so long without this?

"I love you," I rasped out. His lips stopped. Everything came to a halt but these feeling I was feeling didn't t stop. His lips left my skin and his eyes bored into mine. Those beautiful grey eyes bore into mine.

"Say again," he breathed out.

"I love you," my voice a bit louder than before. He stood there staring at me, not staring but looking into my soul. The connection between us ran deeper, deeper than I could ever think of.

"Will you say it again even when I won't be able to taste whiskey on your lips?" There was longing in those grey eyes, nervousness in that voice and worry over his face.

"Yes," I replied looking deep down into his eyes.

"Tell me this is not a dream," his hands didn't let go of mine as he brought them down between us.

"It isn't," I breathed out.

"You know what this turns you into," He asked and I smiled.

"A sinner," I admitted with no remorse or regret.

I won't be a sinner, Aaron. I still have God to answer. I remembered telling him those words.

"And how will you answer your God?"

"He wasn't there for me when I needed him, I shouldn't care about answering him but I will still ask for his forgiveness,"

"How will you look in the mirror?"

I will not be able to see myself in the mirror. I was breaking each and every one of my morals but I didn't care.

"Maybe a little happier, lively and worth living for," Tears of happiness welled in my eyes.

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