9 † Bound

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"They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it." - Peter 3:11 †

The rush of an attack caught Ana Maria off-guard. She hits the ground, tumbling with her assailant.

Her injured shoulder, still healing from taking a bullet a couple months ago, brings the former cop to scream in agony. At seeing the face bearing down on her, Ana Maria grits her teeth and growls out at the girl who brought her own demise from the colony and shot her to escape.

As the younger female slashes her knife down, Ana Maria blocks Hannah's wrist in the rising of her crooked arm. Head-butting the girl, Ana Maria starts to exact her revenge as the inexperienced fighter falls off of her.

"Get up, Hannah!" Ana Maria spits down at her, stretching the muscles of her ailed shoulder as she raises her fists in waiting.

As Hannah clutches to her head and Dalton moves to help her, Ana Maria points at him with a menacing lean as she says, "Don't you fucking dare! Back the fuck up, Romeo or you'll get it too!"

When Hannah takes warily to her feet, Ana Maria waits until those pretty blue eyes find some focus again. In the last chance that she's going to give her, Ana Maria winds up her fist and smashes into Hannah as she so often fantasized about. Her last torture of her was cut short by her little boyfriend and Nick.

A betrayal, that set her over the edge.

This bitch shot her! Now she had the nerve to try and attack her?

Hannah's fate—as far as Ana Maria was concerned—belonged to her.

Hannah swings and misses in her painfully hazed delirium. In this opening, Ana Maria gives another blow of her fist across Hannah's swelling cheek.

Hannah falls backward and this time, the opportunity to stand again that Ana Maria formerly gave disappears. Ana Maria's bloodlust has taken over her manners for a fair fight. From her makeshift belt, she pulls her machete and stalks after the girl crawling back to get away from her.

"If you're going to pick a fight with someone, Hannah, you better be ready to pay the price!" Ana Maria yells, her face drawn down from the rain and the curls of black hair sticking to the sides of her face.

Dalton and Fisher go to Hannah, bringing her up in trying to shield her from Ana Maria's coming death.

The cop is stopped short when the barrel of Nick's shotgun blocks her from her target.

"Move, Nick. She started it. I end it." Ana Maria trembles under the adrenaline coursing through her system. A sensation, she'd almost forgotten. One she loathed, one she loved. For at this moment, she felt alive again. The empty hole within her promised to be filled in the spilling of enemy blood—if only temporarily—until she needed it again.

"Put it down." Nick orders.

Ana Maria's eyes are heavy on him before they cast to the side. Tossing her machete to the ground, she gleams back at Nick in the same hatred she held for Hannah. Over his shoulder, Ana Maria watches Emma clutching onto her swollen belly. On that protective hand, is another, with Paige clinging in uncertainty.

"What are you going to do now, Nick? Shoot me?" Ana Maria asks as the two standoff in a way much similar to the memory that sent her in the colony to the first place. A confrontation, that leads her to betray all of them at the beach with her own inability to trust.

In his eyes, she sees it too. He's remembering the same thing and regret, the unspoken apology, reads in those deadpan eyes of his.

He lowers his gun and takes his step backward.

HIS EVE: The Aftermath Chronicles (Book Two)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora