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'Chase stop get off him' i yelled and i pulled him up and pushed him back as he tried to fight

'You know you should listen to her. She's going to do you a favour' he said

'Camila move' Chase yelled

'Aww does your little girlfriend need to save you because you cat defend yourself' he said

And that pissed me off

I stopped forcing chase to stop and i turned around

'Fuck did you just say' i said

'You heard me barbie' he said

Oh hell no

I walked up to him and grabbed his arm twisting it and then kicking his shin

He then somehow grabbed me and put me in a head lock

'LET HER GO' chase yelled his voice echoing

I coughed and then ran up the wall jumping and hit his head as he fell to the floor unconscious and i started coughing

'Hey hey you alright' Chase said

'Yeah good question' i said and he laughed and then pulled me into his room

'You can't stay here' i said

'Why not' he said

'What do you mean why not. That man just tried to kill both of us' i said

'If you didn't get in the way then maybe he wouldn't have' he said

'Oh really now' i said and he nodded

'Fine then. Stay here' i said and opened the window and jumped out. Jumping to my window and crawling into my room

I went to my bathroom and changed into some comfortable clothes and then tied my hair up

I jumped into bed until i heard a knock

'Yeah' i said

'Hey how are you' my mom said

'I'm alright' i said

'Where did you go off too' she asked

'Just for a quick walk. I needed air' i said

'Next time you tell us or you're getting the slipper' she said

'What. I'm not ten' i said

'Get to bed you have school' she said and i groaned and fell back into bed

Hours passed and i couldnt sleep

No matter what I was still going through my phone at 2 am in the morning

Not able to sleep

I still felt bad for leaving chase behind

I got up and looked at the window and saw he was still awake on his phone facing the other way

Guess he's alright

I got up and went to my closet and pulled out a packet of oreos and some coke


I have a secret stash

I started hearing faint shouting

Thinking it was out on the streets i closed my window

But seconds later heard something being thrown at my window

I turned around and saw chase hanging outside my window

Oh god

I ran over and opened it and he pulled himself in

He looked alright at first

But then I saw the blood dripping down his stomach

'Oh shit' i said grabbing one of my shirts and wrapping it around his stomach

'Oh fuck' he said....

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