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~You get hurt~

Parent hits you
+You got back from your parents house, everything was going fine until you got a call from the school saying you failed your french exam. Fury raised in your mother's eyes when she walked over to you and smacked you across the face with her rings, you ran out of the house with tears running down your face and a bright red hand make and a cut on your face, you ran to Neil who didnt live far away. You got through his window before running into his arms and crying your heart out, he would take one look at your face before pulling you back into his chest. He would stroke your hair until you calmed down, you guys would lie in bed together and you would tell him what happened, he would hold you and kiss you until sun rise. Neil wouldn't let you go home to your angry mother, he loved you too much to let it happen again.

Burned  yourself
+Lighting candles was something that relaxed you during the stressful times at school, this day you were so tired you could barely open your eyes, you went to light a candle and you burnt up your finger on the match. You went into a panic and ran to wash it under the sink, Todd heard your cries and quickly ran over to you seeing the now burning skin. He rinsed it under the sink asking of you're okay in the process. Kissing your hand lightly before taking you to the nurse, not letting go of your hand. When you got to the nurse Todd refused to leave until he knew you were fine, eventhough it was just a light burn. Todd would walk you back to your room and tell you that if you want a candle lit you come him.

Getting into a fight
+You were known to be quite the troublemaker at school, you were hated by alot but you were never the one to get into a fight, until one day where you overheard some girls talking bad about Charlie in gym class. They were talking bad about his looks and his personality and you had no problem confronting them about it. The fight turned aggressive and they threw the first punch to your lip which they busted but you three down a fight and you had to be dragged off of the girl. Charlie would find out and run to your dorm and see you holding a tissue up to your bloody nose and busted lip. Charlie would get so mad that he wasn't there and he could have prevented you from getting hurt. Charlie was very protective of his loved ones and doesn't want anything to happen to them.
"Don't into fights because of me, I don't want you getting hurt. I love you."
Charlie would be so pissed off, but he would keep his cool and kiss your lips better.

Falling over
+Cheer practice is hard, it becomes even harder when you're practicing in the rain. When you were doing a cartwheel you slipped and sprained your ankle. Knox was on the feild and quickly ran over to help you up, when he realised what happened he picked you up and carried you to the nurses office. He layed you on the bed and when the nurse left he would lay with you. While your ankle was recovering he would do everything for you, grab things, clean your room and help you with walking around. Knox loved to help you around because that means he got to be around you longer.

Cut yourself of accident
+It was at lunch when you were trying to cut a stubborn piece of steak, you were with the boys and everyone was lost in conversation, you loved food so much that you wouldn't let a blunt knife get in the way of that. You got a sharp knife and while making a joke with Charlie you weren't paying attention the knife went through your finger tip. You let out an ear piercing scream and applied pressure to the large cut. All of the boys stood up before going into a panick and looking for a teacher. Meeks being scared but more calm them the other boys got a hot towel and pressed it onto the cut and holding your hand and kissing your hand.
"How much does food mean to you that you have to cut yourself in order to have a small piece of hard steak"
Meeks would walk you down and constantly kiss your hand to make sure you were okay.

Broke your nose
+Being lanky and very clumsy wasn't a good combination. You would constantly run into doors or fall over chairs alot. You were covered in bruises but you never had any serious harm until you and Pitts were messing around in the cafeteria. You were chasing eachother around during break and when you weren't looking you were running out the door laughing hoping to get out in time, as you turned around you saw the glass door coming closer to your face before finally smacking into your face and breaking your nose. Gerard ran over to help you up but you already had bloody covering your face and the glass door. You got up but that made things worse by causing more bloody to come out. He helped you to the bathroom and helped you with your nose. He would lightly kiss your nose and say sorry all the time, he wouldn't let you out of his sight because he knew you would hurt yourself again. No more eskimo kisses until your nose healed.


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