v. The Boy Who Was Maybe Stalking The Girl

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WAS CLAIRE NEWTON BEING STALKED? Anyone would picked up a yes if they thought that encountering with the same boy during three whole weeks in every place she spot was kind of creepy and really strange, or maybe they'd picked up a no if they considered that she was overreacting and she had to admit that Forks was after all a small place with few residents, so it was totally normal to meet people again and again.

But Claire was not quite sure about the answer.

At the beginning, she had tried to ignore any possibility that conducted to that conclusion, but it was so easily to convince herself of its low chance to be actually true when she was now seeing the Rez boy everywhere. Literally everywhere. She would find him in her way to school each morning, catching his figure while her brother's car passed next to the woods. He'd be walking alone or with some friends, and no matter the speed the car moved, Claire could easily identified him above all. And during the afternoon, he would be there just like in the morning, with a normal façade (didn't he have to assist to his own school down at the Rez?).

He was even there when after days of not going to La Push, Claire had convinced Mike to take her to the beach. She was collecting shells for her jars in the border of the water, and then a bunch of guys had passed where they were. Guess what? The Rez boy of course that was with them. And the next day, when they went back to take Phillip for a walk, he was there again, but this time by his own.

She didn't saw him at the cliff practicing his weirdos and risky dives, though he would be usually walking around the woods' ground (he liked the woods, Claire noticed), without a shirt as to seem to be a habit of most of the Rez guys, and with that carriage of this place is mine.

And on Wednesday, when Mike and her went to Port Angeles to watch a movie (Mike wanted to cheer her up because Bella was still so distant and Jake kept ignoring her calls), he was there too. First, she had thought it was maybe her mind which was so used to see the boy now that she had actually made out the idea of seeing him in the cinema. But when the movie ended, she saw him. And he was there near the path of her house during the night, when Mike and Claire finally went home.

He was at the store every time her shift started, and when it finished at well. When she got out of her classes with Mr. Stark, or when she now accompanied Trevor in his morning jogging thing (he had mocked of her the first time she did it with him, as she had practically zero condition because she stopped running after her now lazy and old dog some years ago. To prove it, she showed him a recent picture of Phillip, and at seeing him Trevor had exclaimed: "Well, that's an old lazy dog, definitely", so he was now more patient with Claire).

Although the Rez boy never looked directly at her when she noticed him, Claire could say that only his presence would make her shiver and feel that sense of oddness that she still couldn't understand its meaning.

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