Chapter 30

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Eros's POV

I was sitting on the floor for don't know how much time.

Thinking about my Scarlett.

Will she ever come back to me?

What have I done?

I should have listened to her instead of that bitch of a friend.

Suddenly my phone goes off. When I look at it Nick's name shows on the screen.

I really was in no mood to talk to him and listen to his stupid talks.

Pick it up. May be he'll help you.

I received it after few minutes of thinking.

"Where are you?" he yelled in a deafening voice.

"At home. Why?" I asked totally not interested.

"And do you know where's Scarlett?" He questioned.

That catches my interest.

I frowned.

"No. I dont know where did she go. I am waiting for her to come back home. Nick I screwed up big this time." I replied.

"Calm down man, she's here at a bar where coincidentally I am also present. Just come here asap." He said.

She's at a bar? Is she alright?

"Is she alright Nick? Is my Scarlett fine?" I asked.

"Yeah man she's fine. Just come here fast" he said and hung up the call.

I got up and ran towards the bar whose address Nick send me, where my Scarlett is.

I exited my home and drove towards the bar.

When I reached the bar I hurriedly enter the bar and searched for my Scarlett.

Instead of Scarlett I found Nick. He came towards me.

"What have you done this time? Because I was literally not able to control her. First time in my life time I was not able to control a girl." He said.

Because my Scarlett is different from any other girl. She's unique and she's mine. But what happened to her? Why was Nick not able to handle her?

Yeah I agree totally unique and don't forget she's the stupid Scarlett, whom everyone can't handle.

"Nick I'll tell you everything later. First tell me where is she?" I asked now getting restless.

He told me where is she by pointing a finger in a direction.

When I looked at that direction. I saw her. Sitting on a stool and talking to the bar tender.

I released a breath of relief.

I walked towards her. She was busy in talking to bar tender, she didn't notice my presence.

What is she talking with him that she didn't notice you?

"Scarlett..." I started.

She turned her face towards me. When she recognises me her eyes widen and I can see the hurt in them.

I felt bad.

You should.

"I hate you " she slurred and turned her face towards the bar tender.

Me too.


Is she drunk?

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