Verse Eighteen

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"AAAAHHHHHHH!" she screamed, causing me to have to cover my ears in protection of them, the sound nearly breaking all laws of science with how loud it was. 

"What is your problem?" I asked her, less aware of the scene that she had just walked in on.  I mean, it was kind of understandable.  If I had walked in on my best friend kissing an international superstar like Sebastian, I would have freaked the hell out too. 

"I knew it!  I knew it!  I knew it!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down on the spot like a little girl who had just been given a lollipop. 

Her blonde hair splayed about in excitement and Jason came bounding up behind her like someone was dying.

"What's wrong, I heard screaming?" he asked us and I just buried my head in my hands in embarrassment.  Of course our first real kiss just had to be intruded upon by my best friend and Sebastian's best friend too.  What did a girl have to do to get some privacy around here?!

"No one's dying, but Sebastian and Holly finally kissed!  Now they're gonna get it on and have beautiful ginger babies!" she screamed out jovially and I groaned into my hands which I still had my face buried in. 

Sebastian's deep chuckle resounded beside me and the aftermath of what had just happened between us made me feel all tingly and good inside.  I didn't really know what to do with my body after that so I just stood up to face my embarrassment head on. 

"No one is having any babies, and why would you think they would be ginger?  Anyway, I'm going downstairs for some food, anyone care to join me?" I asked the group of teenagers clustered in my room and laughed when Josie's hand shot up rocket high in the air. 

"I do, I do!" She exclaimed. I looked at Jason and then a thought hit me. 

"Jason, Josie, you two seemed to get here around the same time.  We sent Jason home after he dropped us off how did you two seem to arrive perfectly in sync, hmm?" I asked them, hoping to just embarrass them, but got a reaction that was completely unexpected. 

"WHAT?! No, I mean umm...I was just driving by and saw that Jason had pulled up, I guess he was coming back in case Sebastian here needed a ride home and I just wanted to be know how I always want to be nice to people and so I just kind of stopped to say hello, but then I wanted to go see you so I just said goodbye, you know, like normal people do, and then I came up here and I guess he heard me scream and yeah, that's...that's what happened..." she trailed off and her blabbering was not lost on me. 

"You're so into him," I whispered quietly in her ear.

She slapped me one the arm as we made our way down to the kitchen and I couldn't help but look back over my shoulder at Sebastian who was laughing and joking around with Jason, probably teasing him about Josie like I was about Jason. 

His smile struck me to my core and a thought hit me that I had never been faced with before. 

Staring at his beautiful face and catching his emerald eyes, it was like time slowed down and in the process my mind cleared like Moses parting the seas, the big thing that had been staring at me in the face the past few weeks now blaring in my head loud and clear. 

I was in love with Sebastian. 

It was a striking thought to think about, something that I'd never even considered a possibility.  But could he ever feel the same thing for me? Probably not, I had just asked him to be my fake boyfriend. 

But that kiss.  I couldn't even remember a time before him when I had felt so happy, even with all of the terrible things still going on around me like the trial with Dylan and his evil parents that wanted to paint me as a liar to everyone. 

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