Chapter 15 - Michael

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I should have known that she will be here. Misha sat in a booth with her friends drinking beer. Sebastian had his arm around her shoulder and all I wanted to do was rip it off from her. It hasn't been two hours and she was with me and now she had completely forgotten what I taught her in the bedroom.

A pack member working behind the bar handed me a strong tonic beer. I got here just right after she did. She hasn't noticed me yet. I watched her down several bottles already. The way she was giggling and swaying in Sebastian's arm told me she was buzzing. The bar's alcohol was especially made for werewolves. The amount of alcohol contents in each bottle doubles human liquor.

A few hours ago, I had her falling apart in my arms. She was so damn beautiful. Those heavy lid looks are only for me to see. I vowed that no one will ever get to see them. Giving her pleasure was so fvcking hot. I never lose control but around her, I was always losing control. I'm slipping. I know. I let her name slipped past me several times. Thankfully, she was too consumed in my fingers she didn't hear a single word I was saying.

I allowed her to have her time with her friends but sat here like a brooding old man. Suddenly, her back stiffened. Her eyes scanned the room until it landed on me. Her friends stopped talking and they all turned my way.

This was awkward.

I looked away.

I saw her leaned over and say something to her friends before walking towards me. She leaned onto the counter, cocked her hips out and gave me a head to toe look over.

"So you resulted in stalking me now, huh?" She asked. "Is this normal for bosses to stalk their personal attendants?"

I rolled my eyes, "Stop."

The corner of my lips lifted and I was momentarily mesmerized, even when she was buzzing she looked beautiful. Especially tonight. My eyes looked her up from head to toe. She was dressed in a skin-tight dress that hugged her figure too nicely. Her flaming red hair in soft curls down her body.

"What are you wearing?" I growled, standing up I grabbed my leather jacket and forced her into wearing it.

"Not very smart, are you?" She teased. "For your manly information, it is a dress."

"It looks like you put on a tube top!" I snapped angrily.

She giggled, "You are too silly."

"Come on. We are leaving."

"What! No!" She pulled her hands out of my grasp. I turned to glare at her.

"You aren't wearing this in front of everybody!" I angrily said in an undertone.

"It's my body." She retorted, crossing her arms under her beautiful breasts and cocking her hips.

The creamy globes of hers enhancing with that simple movement. I groaned feeling myself come extremely turned on. She doesn't even know what she does to me. It takes everything in me to not throw her over this counter and have my way with her.

"You're right." I said.

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Well, I didn't expect for you to agree with me so quickly."

"You're right. It's your body. The dress is yours but I will be damn if I allow you to wear it in front of anybody else." I growled at the end and swooped down to sling her over my shoulders. She squealed in surprise. My hand came up to cover her ass. No one needed to see it. Gasps went around the bar. Everyone quieted down but the music still played.

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