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"Ray, Stay here. Momma is gonna come and take you from here. But till that time stay here and stay strong."

The little girl hugged her mom and burried her face covered in blood in her mom's neck and said

"Momma, Please don't leave me. I am scared. Those big men are gonna come and hurt me again."

"Ray. Mom is going to fight them and gonna make this world safe for you again. You love me. So stay here and be safe. Robert and Maria will stay here with you."

With that she put her head on the little girl's head and started chanting. The little girl cried in pain and said

"Momma its hurting . Mommmmm.....aaaa......"

With that the little fainted. The lady picked up her treasure in her arms and passed the to the couple and said

"Take care of her and teach her everything. Don't ever let her know about me."

"Your highness. We will follow your wishes . But what will happen when she will come of the age."

"I don't know . But right now her security matters. The moment she will be able to contro her powers she will be safe but right now she is vulnerable ."

The lady kissed her daughter's forhead and tied a blue pendant around her neck and said

"Till we meet."

Then the lady disappeared from there. From the house.
From the island.
From the life of the little girl...

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