Ch. Thirty- Four

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I wish that I could say that it didn't bother me. That I bounced back quickly like most girls would. I wish I could honestly say that I was okay after what happened.

But it'd be a lie. Because I'm me. An immature, big baby, drama queen and I couldn't get over it. 

How could he just say that it was a mistake? I just don't get this boy. I mean, first, he ignores me. Then, he says that he's like liked me for years, then we... you know. And then he calls it all a mistake.

What. The. Heck.

I don't even know how to feel towards him anymore. Should I just pretend like this never happened? Should I forgive him or give him a chance to talk to me about it? Should I just stay angry at him? I am not good with these kind of things.

So for the past hour, since I got home from Ariana's, I have been in my pajamas with a fleece blanket draped over my shoulders, hugging me close like a taco, and the full first and second seasons of Vampire Diaries on Netflix. A bag of chips on one side and a box of tissues on the other side as I moped and cried and pondered these stupid questions.

I jumped when there was a knock on the door. Nobody knocks on the door at our house. They just come in. 

I sat there and stared at the door, weighing my options. 

A.) Luke- Afraid of my mental state.

B.) Adam- Afraid of my mental state.

C.) Ariana/ Allison- Afraid of my mental and physical state.

D.) A polite serial killer.

E.) Mother- Forgot her keys.

F.) Jack- Preparing for World's most awkward conversation.

G.) A sales person or church group.

The laziest way to find out who it is: "Who is it?" I yelled through the living room.

And choice B was confirmed when I heard his voice respond to me.

"It's Adam."

I sighed, better than F. "Come in."

The door slowly opened  and Adam popped his head in the room.

"Are you alone?" I snarled.

He just nodded. "Yup."

"What do you want?"

"Make sure your okay." He said quietly, coming into the house more and shutting the door behind him.

"I'm just great." I muttered, turning my attention to the screen again.

"Look, Lindsay." He said warmly, sitting beside me on the couch. "I know you kind of hate me right now, which I get. I get it. But just because you stopped caring about me doesn't mean that I stopped caring about you."

"Did Luke send you here?" I asked, sniffling into a tissue.

"No." He said honestly. "You're just worrying us all."

"I'm obviously fine." I snorted.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, obviously." He put his hand on my arm softly. "What happened?"

I moved the box of tissues that were wedged between us and I laid down, using Adam's lap as a pillow as I cried. I just lost it once more. He was running his fingers through my hair and another hand was rubbing soft circles on my back.

"He said that I was a mistake." I wailed, burying my face into the denim of Adam's jeans.

"Who?" He asked.

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