Chapter 26

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Just because they had agreed to try this out, it didn't mean that changes took place overnight, did they? Hana didn't quite know what to expect.

Was something supposed to be different? She woke up feeling as she usually did, stumbling out of bed as she usually did, popping the bread into the toaster as she usually did. Leon made coffee as he usually did, nodded at her bright 'Morning!' as he usually did, and read the papers as he usually did.

Was there something special that married couples did every morning?

She was a little disappointed. After their whole proclamation to try their marriage out, he was suddenly distant. Then again, they did speak less at breakfast.

He'd been messaging someone on his phone the whole time. It probably wasn't a good conversation for he remained stony-faced throughout. Then he placed his device on the kitchen island with a sigh.

'Juan Gonzales wants a meeting with me,' he announced, his features tense as he returned his attention to his breakfast.

She jerked her head up.


After he and Juan had fought, after Juan had forced her to get into his car, he wanted a meeting with him?

He let out a sigh.

'I want to keep the streets as peaceful as I can. Fights are bad for business, and if something can be resolved without too much blood, then I'd rather have that,' he muttered. 'That rat even had the audacity to say he wanted to meet you too.'

She shuddered and turned away. The ghost of his tongue on her skin had made itself known again. But as they finished their breakfast and brought their plates to the sink to wash, she considered his words.

'Should I come with you?' she offered as she trailed after him into the bathroom.

If she went with Leon, maybe she could put an end to Juan's interest in her.

'No, it's alright,' he murmured as he removed his shirt, the bones of his shoulders sticking sharply through his skin. Then he turned about. 'Unless you meant into the shower with me?'

Hana squawked and ran out.

Leon came out of the bath smelling like pines, as he always did. A towel was draped around his waist, leaving his torso bare. His chest was slick with water and she could still see the slight puckers where Juan had nicked him the last time.

Did last night's talk also mean she could openly appreciate his well-sculpted abdomen too?

His stars stood out starkly on his skin, testament to some test he had carried out back when he was younger. She hadn't asked him for the story, knowing full well what it took to earn markings on one's skin.

He took one look at her and frowned.

'Where are you going?' he demanded.

'With you,' she stated as she patted down her dress in the mirror.

His brows shot up.


She turned about.

'To see Juan.'

'No,' he stated firmly.

He had whipped his towel off in one swift motion, causing her to yelp and turn away.

'Yes!' she exclaimed.

Then she realised she could see his reflection in the mirror. Hana spun around and about, her face a deep shade of red with her hands over her eyes.

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