16- Our Second Date pt.2

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So sorry I can't post yesterday! I was so busy preparing for my college admission..

The emperor sees Niao Niao having a hard time pouring their tea, so he asks if he could help.


The emperor pour it casually, signaling Niao Niao to have a cup.

He take a sip. The tea smells like ginseng and he is sure it is high quality.

"It's really good, where do you get it?"

"The tea is from my province."

The emperor knows it already, but if he asks where is she from it will be hard for her to explain.

"It is very thoughtful of you.." he says.

The empress is very happy because the emperor seems to like the tea. Of course it is a very expensive since it is hers. She couldn't resist to stare at him and his handsome face. They said nobody's perfect, but what about they guy in front of her? Oh right! He's the dragon, a God.

She smiles to herself, daydreaming about him.

"What are you doing?" The emperor's curious face woke her up.

"Hm.. nothing.."

"If that's so, let's go." The emperor stands and takes her by her hand.

She never knew holding hands could feel so good. Her heart races so she holds his hand stronger.

The emperor swings their hands as they walk together.

"Niao Niao, have you ever tried Bing tang Hu Lu?*"  *traditional candy

"No I haven't."

"You missed something very delicious." The emperor boasts

"How does it taste like? I've only seen it in drawings.." Niao Niao frowns.

"Hmm.. let me think.." the emperor purposely stops to make her curious. "Actually, it's very sweet. A lot sweeter than you!" He pinches her tiny nose.

"What?" She punches him playfully, acting mad.

"I'm just saying the truth." The emperor doesn't give up teasing her. He puts his hands on his hips.

"Stop it!" The empress runs to chase him. But he doesn't slow down.

"Oh my god, my wife is so not graceful. How could she ran like that!" He laughs while runs away.

The empress's clothes is not helping her to chase the emperor. But she does realise that it is so fun to run around the field. It's fun to hardly catch her own breath.

Until she steps on her own dress and fall to the emperor. It is not romantic since the emperor falls with his face facing the ground. And Niao Niao is just on top of him. Like geckos.

"Oh my God!! I'm so sorry.." Niao Niao pulls the emperor so they sit facing each other. "Are you okay?"  She wipes his face with her hanfu. "I'm so sorry." She cleans his clothes and straighten it. She's trying to avoid eye contact so she is busying herself.

"I'm okay, you can stop." He says, lifting her face so he could see Niao Niao better.


Her big eyes are starring at the emperor. How cute. He trails her with kisses until she asks him to stop.

He just laughs it off.

"I never realised that you are so small.."  the emperor mumbles.



The empress is starring at the pond again, she remembers when she's so broke that day. When she says that kois have to keep swimming no matter how cold the weather is. Who would guess she's here now with the emperor?

The emperor hugs her from behind. Resting his head on hers. Pulling her even closer.

"Don't go.. don't even think to go away from me."

Niao Niao is afraid what should she do if the emperor know the truth. She must tell the truth, but how? Because she doesn't want this to stop. She needs more time.

"Niao Niao what are you thinking?"

She turns around and hugs the emperor. Leaving him speechless. But he hugs her back, let her burry her face on his chest.

"It's okay, whatever it is, it's okay." The emperor tells her.


"Come here Niao Niao, let's make a to do list!" He says trying to lift up the mood.

A long list of activities is written by the emperor, starting from eating Bing Tang Hu Lu, going to a festival, fly a lantern and many more.

So much things to do, but so little time.

"Niao Niao, I have something for you." The emperor takes out a stroll from his sleeve. "Here!" He handed it.

"What is this?"

"Open it.."

A drawing of her. With her yellow hanfu. Wo De Huang Li Niao is written in the corner. (My Huang Li Niao)

She had only received one drawing from the emperor, and it was when she told him that she's pregnant. The empress couldn't believe it. He really took his time to draw her. It's unbelievable, is he thinking about her?

Liao Tian went to Zhang kingdom as soon as his father giving him permission.

It is his first day there and from what he heard, the emperor is going to the harem house that night. So he goes there first.

The harem house is surely spacious and grand. But it is so boring, always the same white face. Too fake, not his style.

He goes further and finds a pavilion. A maiden is sitting there alone, so graceful unlike the other concubines that he saw before. Different. And so enamour.

He is a crown prince,of course he saw all the beautiful lady. He had met the best from the best. But something about her is so interesting, that he can't stop starring.

She started to play the harp in front of her. Beautiful melodies plays from her delicate fingers. He stared to dream about happiness and peace. So heavenly. But why does her face doesn't seem happy. More like she's missing something. The melody is joyful, but her eyes are blank. Like she had lost something.

There's something inside him that want to protect her. Want to make her happy. Because a beauty like her should never feel down.

Because his heart skipped a beat when he saw her. That girl, who is she?

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