Jason's POV - Prince charming

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Part 25

Prince Charming

Jason's POV

I keep glancing at the door my Carlie escaped through. I’m trying not to show it, but Princess sees everything! Literally, she does. She’s been like that ever since… well forever!

Everyone at home is too terrified to befriend her. First it was because of her Mom and then because… she has the sight. It’s like she can sense everything and look into our souls. She’s brilliant, so what? She’s just as good as anyone to joke around with.

She’s so cute with her friends, acting so proper. I’m glad she found all these friends to play around with over here. I don’t believe that crap about Carlie stealing my best friend status. That so belongs to me, like forever. I did everything a best friend should do, I even have a list!

I taught her to make mud pies when we were five. That wasn’t my most brilliant idea according to Mrs Starley, but Mitch high fived me behind her back. She knew he did so he ended up swabbing the living room floor where I thought was the best place to hold a mud pie war at. Princess and I was splashing water everywhere in the bathroom. We were supposed to clean ourselves up, but nothing boring without having fun, right?

I showed her how to make baskets for The Little Ones when they were babies. We put them into the stream and made a bet who we thought would make it the longest. Tom made the longest before our neighbor Jane fished them up from the water and we both got hugely reprimanded by her. Princess just gave her a glare and told her that we had everything under control before she disturbed us and endangered her siblings by interfering. That’s the day Jane stopped treating Princess like a little girl, but she kept giving me evil glares.

We threw eggs at Mr Clark’s house when he wanted to fail me in one of my subjects. His wolf chased us for four hours until Alpha Bear beat him down for chasing us children like a mad man. You just got to love how our Alpha holds Princess around her back.

The list goes on forever, but I don’t feel like telling you seventeen years of life!

I’m not surprised that she was picked to become an Alpha. Heck, I bet our whole pack knew it from the day she was born. She’s special and I made it my personal quest to get her in as much trouble as possible. I don’t want her to become like Starley, completely humourless. One of her is enough.

I send another glance at the door and Princess punches me roughly on the shoulder.

“What the hell?” I grunt.

“Just go after her then!” she hisses annoyed at me. Her eyes turn black when her mood changes and I stick out my tongue to tease her.

“I’ll see you later dudes, Alpha Ray.” I bow respectfully and take my leave before I get another blow.

Princess is smaller than me but hits a lot harder. Sometimes I wish I trained as much as she did just so I could be stronger than her. Mostly I like that she’s tougher. No one can kick ass like she does and I’m quite proud of her. Like the way she took down Alpha Marsh like he was a kitten. Not even Mitch would have been able to finish him off that fast.

I make a sprint to Carlie’s house. She’s watching something on the TV with her parents. I knock at the door and I like this door and the whole house. It’s more like a home than the Denwood Residence across the street. This house is still a lot larger than the humble huts the Ninjan families’ lives in.

I compose myself when I hear the small steps of her mom and I fire off a smile when she opens the door. The woman is a little bit shorter than me and is an older version of Carlie in the appearance.

“Good evening, ma’am,” I greet her friendly. “My name is Jason and I came here to introduce myself correctly as your daughter’s mate.”

She stares at me in wonder and admires my WSF uniform. I can be charming when I feel like it.

“Good evening, Sir,” she says a bit flushed and lets me into their hallway. “Welcome to our simple home. I am Carlie’s mother, Teresia.”

“It is very nice to meet you, Teresia. Please feel free to call me Jason.”

She guides me to the living room and I take a good look at the surroundings. Pictures painted by Carlie, from when she was a child, are covering the walls. The whole house is giving me a genuine feeling of love. Carlie’s father looks very nice too. He gets up from his seat to shake my hand when Teresia introduces me. His name is Dan.

My Carlie is so cute where she is sulking in the sofa. I never felt this way before for anyone. The warmth spreads inside my body just by being near her. It’s almost like the feelings I have for Princess, but the difference is that I’m attracted to Carlie.

“I’m not talking to you,” Carlie says and hugs the brown cushion in protest towards her chest.

“Carlie!” Teresia says ashamed. “Don’t talk like that to your mate.”

“It’s alright,” I ensure her parents. “I love her just the way she is, even her eccentric sides.”

“I’m afraid her eccentric sides are the dominant ones,” Dan says with furrowed eye-brows.

“I’m used to dominant women,” I tell him honestly. “I believe you’ve met my friend, Ray. She’s living temporarily with the Denwood’s.”

“Ray is a lovely girl,” Teresia nods. “So you are her friend?”

“I am her best friend, ma’am.”

Carlie throws the cushion angrily at me and I catch it with one hand before it hits my head.

“Hell no, she isn’t!” she says angrily. “Ray said I’m her best friend.”

“That’s why I love your daughter,” I tell her parents. “She will never give me a boring moment.”

“Well, Jason,” Teresia shines up. “I’m so glad that Carlie found an understanding mate like you! We were worried for a while that no one would be able to stand her temper.”

“I don’t think anyone can love my daughter as much as I do,” Dan says. “But I’m willing to give you a chance. You have my approval. Welcome to the family, Jason.”

“I’m honored,” I answer him respectfully. “Do you mind if I take Carlie out for a walk? I believe I upset her earlier and I want to make it right.”

They quickly agree with me and practically throw us out of the house so I can make up with Carlie. We walk a few blocks in silence before she speaks up to me. I enjoyed walking with her without talking. I just need her with me to feel supreme happiness.

“What the hell did you do to my parents?” she yells at me.

“It’s called human behaviour,” I tell her calmly.

“They are never like that! They are impossible monsters and you used some kind of Ninjan trick to cool them down.”

“No, you need to calm down,” I tell her sternly. “There is nothing wrong with your parents! You are the one who is being impossible all the time. Your aura is grey and that means you don’t get along with people in general. I don’t want to fight with you.”

“My aura is what?” she whispers shocked. “Do I have an aura?”

“Everyone has an aura,” I explain to her. “You have to be spirit trained to see them. Princess is a master at solving auras, that’s why she handles everyone so well. Your parents will be nicer if you give them a chance.”

“They are suffocating me,” she says sadly. “I disappoint them. I can’t be the perfect girl they want.”

“You are my perfect girl, isn’t that enough?” I ask her gently and grabs her cheek lovingly.

“Really?” she whispers and I nod, completely charmed by her dark beautiful eyes. I press my lips softly to hers and she moans as she lets go of all the resistance in her body.


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