Chapter 18

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I opened my eyes when I felt a shuffling in the bed. I remember perfectly what happened yesterday and just by reminiscing the embarrassing confession made me blush lightly. I stood up and headed to the small dining table.

Now that I think of it, where the hell did Veronica gets all the money she paid for five star hotels? Is she a secret agent? is she trying to kill me?! what if she's a mafia? or a daughter of a mob? or maybe she's a killed?!

I jolted when I heard Veronica spoke.

"Quite jumpy in the morning, I see" She teased me and I blushed.

I swear I've become a blushing mess! this is not  normally me, I don't usually blush on small teasing and remarks. But she's just different and I can't pinpoint on how she's different.

"Sit down so we can talk" She told me and I obliged to her order. In the table laid a New York classic bacon pizza. I quickly took a bites on the pizza since I was really hungry.

"So you have an undying love for me?" She stated-more like teased and I choked on my mouthful of pizza. I coughed as I punched my chest lightly.

"You could've been more indirect." I told her as I recovered.

"And correction- I don't have an 'undying love' for you. I just like you" I added as I drank on the soda next to the pizza.

"Then let's go out on a date" She answered as if it was a normal thing so say.

"Or we could hit it off on the bed right away" She suggested with a sexy damn smirk and I threw out the soda from my mouth and cough a bit.

She's full of surprises and never fail to choke me.... wait what?

"I was just kidding" She said and chuckled shortly, I shot her a glare.

I badly want to ask her on which part was she kidding? the date thing or the sex part or both?

"I think I have time for a date though" She told me and I looked at her not having an idea how to respond to that.

"Sorry, what?" I blurted out.

"Did I stutter?" She said in a less questioning tone but rather in a challenging tone.

"You're asking me on a date?" I clarified.

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to do so" She answered as she cross her arms on her chest.

She's really hot. She has a damn perfect face, a perfect body plus she's tall and not too pale. She look so dominant and is very sexually appealing.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" She said in a monotone voice. Sometimes I want to slap her in hatred but sometimes I want to kiss her in delight, nothing in between.

"But aren't you and Douglas dating?" I asked her.

"If we were I wouldn't be asking you out" She answered me back, and I felt assured on her answer.

Why do I feel like I can trust her? maybe because she did things to prove that she's trust worthy.

"I'll meet you after class and take you to a restaurant" She informed me and I panicked a bit.

"What? you won't give me time to prepare? or to fix myself?" I asked her continuously.

"Prepare for what? we're just gonna eat and talk, Fix yourself? you don't need that" She answered me and though it was in an emotionless voice I can't help but feel flatter.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked her and she just waved off her hands as she walked away.

I sighed contently as I walked with Kayla. I felt Kayla's gaze so I turn to her and she was staring at me as if I've gone insane.

"What?" I asked her.

"This is the third time you sighed and smiled contently. Are you high?" She asked me and I laugh at her.

"No I'm not" I told her.

"I'm glad that you're happy but it scares me when you keep smiling, you're usually frowning or glaring" She stated and we both chuckled at my behaviour.

"I do not" I defended playfully.

"So tell me, why are you acting like this?" She asked me.

"Well, I'm going on a date" I answered sheepishly and I saw the shock in her face as if I just told her I'm getting married.

"With who? It's been almost a year or two since you've actually dated someone" She asked me excitedly.

I was contemplating on telling her or not. But what can go wrong if I told her, right?

"Don't freak out or squeal or scream or faint because I'm gonna kill you" I warned her and she nodded in response.

"It's Veronica" I told her and the smile on her face seems to fall a bit but she smiled again.

"I'm happy for you but I'll warn you not to trust her too much. I'm not saying that she's a bad person but she's not good either. But I'm supporting you on this." She answered me honestly. My eyebrows furrowed on her statement.

"What do you mean by that? do you know something about her that you're not telling me?" I asked her.

"I didn't mean to scare you, It was just a friendly reminder for you to not end up with a broken heart" She said with her normal soft voice.

"Don't worry it is not even that serious, I like her and maybe she likes me too and we're just giving it both a shot" I simply stated. I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling her the whole truth either.

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