Chapter 7: Separated

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I woke up from a pain in my rib cage and the pounding in my head. I couldn't move. There was something on top of me and I pushed it off without much difficulty. Sunlight filtered into where I was. I dug myself out of, what seemed like, a pile of rubble. When I was finally standing on top I realized that it was a pile of rubble. I made my way down to the ground and looked around. There were plumes of smoke coming from some parts of the highest heap of stone.

I looked around. Everything was starting to come back to me. The parking garage, the bomb, the running, breaking out, and. . . Cory.

My head snapped up. Cory. Miranda, Kyle, and Morgan. I looked around. I couldn't see anyone. Not even a single zombie. Oh God. They couldn't be in that pile right?

"Miranda? Cory? Morgan? Kyle?" I yelled. Panic was starting to settle in and I was breathing hard. Where were they?

There were a thousand questions running through my head but one thing stood out in my mind. I was alone. In an apocalypse. There was nobody around. Just me.

I fell onto my knees and broke down. My head pounded and tears threatened to fall. I was so screwed.

That's when I heard the grumble of a zombie. I stood up quickly and looked around. There were 4 zombies coming towards me. There were also a couple that I could see in the distance. When I saw them there was a burning deep inside of me. A burning feeling of hatred. That's it, I was done running away from things. I was going to kill every zombie that got in my way. I was going to finish this shit once and for all.

I ran at the nearest one and took out my longest knife I had in my belt. I jammed it into the flesh eating monsters thick skull. Blood squirted out of its head and the zombie fell. I yanked my knife out of its skull and ran over to the other three. I elbowed one of the zombies in the head and I heard a loud crack. I felt hot breathe by my neck and I swung around and kicked the zombie in the face before it could sink it's teeth into my neck. I heard a loud crack as I connected with it and the zombie fell to the ground, not moving. Thank God I was flexible.

I took my knife and rammed it into the neck of the last zombie. It made a gurgling noise and dark black blood squirted out of it's neck.

There were two zombies coming towards me. I took out two of my throwing knives out of my back pack and threw them. They hit their target. Right in the forehead. I ran over and grabbed my knives out of their heads.

Alright enough fooling around, I needed to find a working car. I walked towards a parking lot that was full of cars. I walked around and checked all of the them. After going through nearly all of the parking lot, I finally found a small grey car. I searched the trunk and back seat for something useful but I didn't find anything.

I jumped into the driver's seat and started the engine. Now I had to figure out where I was going to go. If Miranda and them were still alive... Holy. Shit. Light bulb.

I started the engine and swung the car out of the parking lot. I sped down the highway at close to 75 miles per hour. I would have gone faster but I had to swerve and avoid cars that were abandoned on the road. After driving to close to what seemed like forever but really ended up only being 6 hours I only ended up making it into the edge of Iowa. I would probably be in Nebraska in an hour or two. I pulled over on the side of the road and set my seat back hoping to sleep for a while.

I had almost fallen completely asleep when I heard a crackle. I looked around trying to determine the source. I looked at the radio and saw it light up. Oh my God it was a transmitting radio. Someone's voice crackled to life.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Please I need help. There are monsters everywhere," a girl's voice cried. I grabbed the mouthpiece and spoke into it.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm in the Eastern part of Nebraska," the girl said. She didn't sound older than 14.

"Don't worry I'm-" I started but a grumble that sounded like a zombie sounded over the radio.

"No! Please no!" the girl screamed. The screaming went on for five minutes. I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut. I just heard the last words of a girl. Little did I know they were also the last I would ever hear of a human for a long time.






I was sitting on top of a building with a sniper rifle I had found. I had done this quite often in the last month I had been alone. I shot all of the zombies that I had seen from the top. It made me feel in control and kept me sane. I had broken down at least once everyday for the last month. Being alone was one of the things that terrified me more than zombies. Since I had gone all Hulk on the zombies it made me feel less afraid of them.

There was a hoard of at least 15 zombies below me. I looked through the scope and aimed at the head of a zombie. I shot it and the gun bucked underneath me. The zombie fell to the ground, It's lifeless eyes staring at the sky.

I shot the rest of the zombies underneath me and made my way to the lobby of the building. I heard the zombie behind me before I saw it. I grabbed the knife out of my belt and swung around sticking it in the beast's chest. I pulled the knife out and the zombie advanced on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a metal rod. I grabbed it and swung it into the zombie's head. The zombie fell backwards onto the floor. I advanced on it and raised the rod over my head. I brought it down and slammed it into the head of the cannibal over and over again.

"This... Is... Why... You... Don't screw around... With... A pissed off... Female!" I yelled in between the hits. I finally dropped the weapon and fell to the floor. I was falling apart. Every part of me that was chipped away was replaced by a violent, kick ass, disastrous person. I wasn't too sure if that whole thing was bad but most of it was.

I stood up and walked out of the building with my gun slung over my shoulder. I jumped in my car and drove off towards Oregon. I wasn't going to abandon the search for my friends too soon. Not until I absolutely knew what happened.


Author's Note

Hey guys! This is my first author's note so tell me if you think I should do it more often or just like, every few chapters. This chapter was kind of hard for me to write to be honest. I was trying to find more stuff to make it less boring but I really don't know what to do. So I'm kind of improvising. Do you guys like it so far though? I hope you guys do!

If you guys want to I have a Twitter: em_seifert

Tweet me an idea you guys may have for the story!

Other contacts are on my profile!





LOVE YOU GUYS! Thanks for reading!!

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