❆ Ten ❆

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I bit back the urge to throw myself at her as she sashayed into the dining hall. My voice squeaked when I called out to her. "Lumea!" I practically squawked. Her radiant smile beamed throughout the room as she stripped off her gloves and cloak, laying them over the chair next to her own.

Beast rose from his throne and greeted her with a small peck on her cheek. They whispered and laughed their greetings. My heart stormed rapidly inside its cage, fingers thrumming anxiously on my lap. I itched to fire questions about my brothers, and as soon as she sat down I launched them at her. She sat back with a wide grin and nodded, acknowledging each of them with a kind tenderness. "Hendric is doing well, Adaira. He has good days and he has bad days, but he's doing well for someone who was so close to death." She picked up her fork as began stabbing at the eggs and bowl of fruit.

"He's okay?" I leaned closer. "Is he eating? Is he upset? How's Kenji?"

She held up her hand to hush my slurred inquiries. "Let me catch my breath and I'll tell you everything you wish to know about your brothers." Her eyes briefly flickered to Beast. I'd completely forgotten he was there, and now that I wasn't peppering her with questions I could feel his gaze burning holes into my face. I shrank back in my chair and picked at my plate. "I see things have lightened between the two of you," she said, stealing his attention. His lips pursed. "I can count all the knives on the table, so that's a good sign."

My cheeks burned. Beast laughed brightly. "We haven't had any close encounters, but Miss Young certainly does have a way of finding trouble."

Lumea released a sultry giggle that made my throat constrict. The warmth in her voice reminded me so much of Mama it made my teeth grind. I sat back and fussed with the food on my plate. She turned to me again. "How are you adjusting?"

I sneaked a quick glance at him, observing the way he swirled the wine is cup and stared at me over the tip of it. "As well as can be expected, considering I still don't know why I'm here."

She sighed. The warmth diminished in her eyes. She cut into her food and chewed several pieces in silence. Beast watched her from the corner of his eye, but I could still feel his gaze drilling into me every other minute. Breakfast passed in general silence, the two of them speaking on subtle matters like the decor of the palace and how they needed to prepare for a large celebration. The subject intrigued me but I kept my mouth shut. I tried to imagine Hendric and Kenji in a vast room with ornate furniture and intricate paintings. Luxurious beds and delicious foods to stave off their worries. I needed to believe that they were happy, even if I wasn't. Lumea could be lying about everything and they could be buried somewhere in the forest under pounds of snow. If I was going to stay here, I needed some kind of fantasy to cling on to.

Beast abruptly pushed his chair back and set his napkin down. "If you ladies will excuse me, I need to finish some things up before tonight." He bowed toward Lumea, but halted when he looked at me. My breath hitched in my throat. "It'd be best if you didn't come out of your room tonight." Seconds of tense silence passed before he spun on his heel and vanished through the doors.

I glanced at Lumea. She frowned and followed him to her feet. I wanted to ask her what he'd meant, but my voice failed me. My mouth flapped with words that wouldn't come. She nodded anyway. "Sometimes saying nothing at all says everything." Clearing her throat, she held out her hand to me. I stood and let her loop it through my arm. "I'm sorry for not being here. I know my brother isn't the easiest person to be around—" I scoffed "— but he's not the worst."

I bit my lower lip. His words from the day before still rang inside of me. Earn my affection. What did he want from me? I'd offered him the two things in this world that men wanted and he hadn't asked for either. What else was there that he could get from me? I pondered the ideas as she prattled on and on about the city. I tried to pay attention, but with the image of my brothers still fresh in my mind, I couldn't sit still any longer. I stopped in my tracks and pulled her to a halt. "Will I ever see them again?" I asked. Her smile waned. "Hendric and Kenji."

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