13 - Bad for us

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Hi everybody. Thank you so much for your comments and votes - they are my inspiration to keep going. I love you all and hope you will enjoy this chapter... We are slowly going to the end...

Don't forget - Scott's POV is written in bold and italic font.


Back home. Home sweet home. I can't wait to make a coffee, sit down and think about past hours one more time, using my brain instead of my...heart.

I grab my favorite mug filled with yummy fresh coffee and walked to the terrace. I was opening the door, when I saw him. Mark was sitting in the chair, looking at the morning view. He didn't looked at me, when I greeted him.

"Good morning, beautiful." Oh, crap! I used this sentence not an hour ago.

He didn't reply. Did he hear me?

"Mark? Sweetie? I said - good morning. Are u OK?"

Now he had to hear me. Still no reply. Weird.

I came closer: "Mark? You are scaring me right now... Are you sure, that you are OK?"

He finally turned his head to me and I flinched. His eyes were swollen, red and weepy. "Wait, what?"

I want to touch his arm, but he pulled away from me: "Go away from me, please."

"No! What happened? Did anybody hurt you? Are you in pain? Something at work? Some jerk at bar? How can I go away, when you look like this? Let me comfort you."

"No! Go away! Let me be! Yes, somebody hurt me. Do you want to know whom? Look in the mirror!" and he turned away from me. I was staring at his back, confused.

"Mark?" No reply... I sighed: "Mark, can you talk to me? I have no idea, what have I done. If I did something, I didn't mean to. Please? I will never hurt you!"

"Well, you did... Let me be... Leave me alone. P l e a s e..."

I turned around and came back to the living room. What is happening? Am I in a bad dream or something? Somebody wake me up, seriously.

"Masey? Are you home?" I yelled toward bedrooms. If somebody would know, what is going on, it is Mason. I don't know how is he doing that, but he just knows.

"Here! Wait a sec."

I was already on my way: "No. Stay, I will join you."

I opened door to his room: "Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello."

"MORNING Scott." He replied with cold voice.

"Oh come on! You too? What is this? If this is some kind of Let's make Scott confused and look stupid game, than I am not playing and it is not funny!"

"You are right Scott THIS situation is NOT FUNNY at all... You really have no idea what have you done?" he asked me, raised his eyebrows.



"Fucking no!"

"Then it is worse, than I thought." Mason said sadly.

"Masey, PLEASE, I have no idea! Why I have to beg you? Should I get down on my knees? Just tell me. I am a big girl, I can handle it."

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