Chapter 21

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We were brought through the main doors and into the police station. It looked like any small town station would; a couple of desks in the main area and some offices for the higher-ups lining the area. The guards led us to the back portion labelled 'holding area'. The first thing that came into my view was the large, iron bars that kept the prisoners inside.

The guard holding John pulled out a ring of keys and unlocked the first of the two holding cells, both of which were facing one another. Pushing his self through the now crowded walkway, their leader whispered something into the guards' ear. He nodded at whatever the large man had said. He shoved John in first then Taylor and Ethan, locking the door back up behind him.

Now I was starting to sweat.

"What about her?" John ran up to the bars.

"We can't have male and female guests in the same cell, that would just be unprofessional." The leader shrugged. "Keys."

The guard handed the ring off and the muscled man unlocked the opposite cell.

"After you." He smiled at me and I resisted the urge to shiver. He gave off major stranger danger vibes.

Not seeing any way to escape, I did as I was told and with the help of the guard still hooked onto my upper arm, I walked into the cell. The lock clicked behind me and I rubbed at my arm where there was undoubtedly a bruise starting to form from that guys grip.

"How rude of me, my names Riley," the leader announced. "Now you."

John spoke for us again, "I'm John, and this is Taylor and Ethan." He pointed to them both them to me. "And that's Bailey."

"Nice to meet you all. Lovely name." He looked at me for the last part and how I wish I could have replied with my usual retort, but I just nodded stiffly.

All of the others filed out of the room at Riley's request, leaving just him and the guard named Conner.

"Now what exactly do you all have in those vehicles of yours?" Conner asked.

"Just food and general supplies," John answered.

I don't know why he was humoring these lunatics but he was.

"Just you four?" Riley eyed us up.

"Yes, had a bigger group before, but we're all that's left," John lied.

"Where's your main base?"

"Well, you see we're in the market for one."

"Well you see, I know you're lying to me and I don't take well to that." Riley stalked to the front if their cage.

To John's credit, he didn't back up or even bat an eye. Riley grinned at him.

"You're military aren't you?"

"Maybe, but I know enough that your crew isn't."

Riley turned to Conner abruptly, "Bring their supplies in."

Conner nodded and took off. If they got a hold of all of our stuff, then our trip will have been for nothing. Granted we got out of here. My legs finally gave out and I plunked down on the nasty cot in the cell. They wouldn't keep us prisoners here? Or worse, kill us would they? I looked at Riley's face and something there said he's done worse.

His hawk-like eyes kept returning to me and not in a flattering way. I had been leered at by drunken college boys before, I was in the south for Mardi Gras after all, but this look made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. This guy was dangerous, possibly unhinged and he was rather too focused on me for my liking.

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now